A Great Reason To Thrift…{Catalog Finds}

Howdy, friends! I’m thoroughly enjoying time with family and friends in West Texas.  My camera is working overtime, so I’ll hopefully have some wonderful pics to share when I get back… nothing like wide open spaces and friendly faces with a little Texas twang thrown in!

During my travels I’ve been catching up on catalog perusing and magazine reading {the beauty of having teens that can help with the driving!}.  In the last Pottery Barn Bed and Bath catalog I got hung up on this shabby summery vignette.

Vintage Blue Ledge

Do you love it??  Me, too.

What I don’t love?  Sticker shock.  I seriously had to pick my jaw up off the floorboard of my Expedition.  The ledge alone is a whopping $449.  Yikes!  Granted, it’s solid mahogany but gee whiz!
Throw in those fabulous chippy frames for $129 and you’re suddenly in the poor house. 

Just me, or is that a great reason to go thrifting?

Happy Decorating… and hopefully Thrifting, too!

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