An Easy {Free!} Patriotic Watercolor

Somehow I’ve misplaced my adorable Burlap Flag banner that I made last year, so I needed to come up with a quick 4th of July touch for my mantel.  Waterlogue to the rescue!

Surely you’ve heard of Waterlogue by now… I haven’t used it in a while, but this was the perfect easy peasy solution to my needs.

A few weeks ago, I snapped this photo while we were up at the lake…


Since it was on my phone, I ran it through the Waterlogue app and was thrilled with the result.

Waterlogue flag


Then all I did was email it to myself so I could print it out from my computer.


flag on mantel

And because no home should be without an American flag, especially on the 4th of July, I’m sharing it with you — Free!

Click HERE to download yours!


heidi signature





  1. looks fabulous in watercolor!

  2. Cool App! Did you hang your canvas flag?! 🙂


  1. […] shared this Waterlogue flag you can print out for your own patriotic […]

  2. […] a free flag watercolor for you to print and use in your […]

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