April’s Favorite Things

Can you believe April has come and almost gone?  Time just keeps ticking away… I confess I’m looking forward to the end of school for myself and my kids (though I will miss my Little Ones terribly!).  We’re ready for some down time around here!

It’s been a difficult month for us, but I spent some time over the weekend thinking about all the things I loved about April.  A great exercise during hard times…

1.  My three.

Easter Sunday after church.  We’re too “old” for Easter Egg Hunts now, but we so enjoyed our time together nonetheless. 🙂  Every day with them is a gift.

2.  The love of cousins.

This heart will look different for them this year after losing sweet Kaely.   But I’ve been so inspired by their deep love for each other.  My children are so blessed to have this in their lives.

3.  Love of my Little Ones and their families.

Just one of many special gifts and goodies I received during Teacher Appreciation week.

How sweet is that?

4.  Pinterest. 

It may sound strange, but when I was “unplugged” from the blog for a few days, I spent a little time browsing on Pinterest.  Just looking at all the beautiful images and ideas was therapeutic for me.  One of my favorite boards is my What I’m Loving board.

Pinned Image

This is a collection of images that give me the warm fuzzies — the “feel goods”… do you have a favorite among your Pinterest boards?

I’m looking forward to a crazy ride in May — May Madness, I call it!  Lots of events, games, year-end celebrations, and kids boomeranging back into the nest. 🙂  And I’m hoping to finish up a few (a very few) projects to share with you, too.

Hoping you all had a blessed weekend!  What were your favorite things for the month??




  1. I’m glad you’re able to find some joy after everything your family has been going through. The love of family outweighs all the other “stuff” that we worry about! With that being said, my hubby came home from deployment this month, so April has been good for me 🙂

  2. May sure is going to be crazy. Eleanor turns one in two weeks!!

  3. It’s great you are able to focus on the blessings during such a hard time. Your children are beautiful!

  4. Heidi…your “three” are beautiful…and the “heart of cousins” is a phenomenal picture…..
    Again..I am so sorry about the sadness and heartbreak of losing Kaely…..
    I hope May brings you more than flowers…great joy and achievements…
    Have a wonderful week!


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