Good grief, friends, I am STILL catching up after our “mac daddy” road trip to Texas! We travelled 2700 miles in 10 days, squeezing in visiting and some fun among 46 hours in the car and not a lot of sleep. Once we got home, I was immediately immersed in shopping and packing my daughter for college, shuttling to football practices, doctor’s appointments, summer reading, and prepping to get back to teaching. Ok, so those are my excuses for not getting this up sooner! Thanks for forgiving me. 🙂
I have a little round up of my favorite things from July… hope you enjoy!
Dog Days of Summer…
If you read my personal blog, you might know that we had to put our sweet 16 year old pound puppy to sleep in June. During our July travels we were blessed to love on the dogs of our friends and family.

Next week I’ll be taking my daughter off to University of Georgia (sniff), but I’ll be revealing the little wooden desk I painted a couple of weeks ago, so stay tuned.
What’s your favorite thing from last month?
Happy Decorating!
Wow, that's a lot of driving… And there's always so much to do when returning from a trip! I can imagine that Chocovine being really yummi chilled!!
Have a great weekend!
Ummm, thte Chocovine sounds really yummy!
Heidi, I'm so sorry that you lost your sweet baby. Those lovable pound puppies quickly become loving members of the family. I see you have been posting all the wonderful blues and greens which is what I'm loving right now. Of course summers fading and I'm behind as usual just getting mine up. I love all the pics you've got on the last few posts.
Thank you for coming by and leaving me encourging words. You're always such a bright spot and sweet friend.
Lots of love…Tracy 🙂
wow Heidi- that's some road trip!!
love the pups- that looks like some sweet lovin'! maybe after your daughter goes to college you might think of adopting another….
wishing your daughter a fabulous first-year at college (oh, the memories!) and you a smooth transition;)
happy Sunday!