Hello, friends! I’m so thrilled with my new space here at Decor & More! This was quite the process coming over to WordPress and having my own domain name ~ I’ve learned a lot along the way and feel like I’m finally in a space that’s reflective of me and my goals. My dear friend Aimee of byaimee.com has been infinitely patient with this 40-something that’s a tad tech-challenged. And she’s churned out a gorgeous header and new logo. 🙂
Making a house into a home is much more than decor alone. Your space should embody what is functional and beautiful for you and yours. And yes, it’s a journey. I think I’ve only recently learned that– spaces should evolve, interiors need to change to better fit needs and wants of their inhabitants. After all, does the family room that worked for you ten years ago, still fit your needs? Do you still love the paint color, or is some other hue speaking to you? What about your furniture pieces– do you still insist on hanging on to that red leather recliner, or are you longing for a crisp upholstered perch? Do you feel happy and peaceful in your rooms, or is it time for a change?
I love changing things up. In fact, it drives my husband crazy. Hunting season is prime redecorating time around here, and he never knows what he’s coming home to! Sometimes it’s the simplest of changes like rearranging my bookcases or the mantle. Sometimes it’s painted rooms and furniture. Decor & More is my new platform for the journey that is decorating our spaces and reflecting the heart of the home. I’m glad you’re here.
And what better way to kick off Decor & More than to share my latest tablescape? Let me tell you, it’s no small feat to show y’all this– my home office/Mom Cave is in the midst of a paint job (yay!) and so the dining room table has become the de facto command central for homework, bill paying, blogging, lesson planning, etc. In other words, teenagers and all kinds of office *stuff* was displaced so that I could share this with you.
Remember when I said I was keeping my palette simple this fall? I’m loving it! Rustic elegance, I like to think. 🙂 See the paint swatches painted on the wall off to the right? Yes, more change is coming! In the meantime, I’d love to hear what you think of the new blog space!
More on the tablescape plus my easy DIY runner later this week.
Linking up!!
Between Naps on the Porch ~ Tablescape Thursday

Happy Decorating!
New site looks great!
Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
xo Heidi
Heidi, congrats on the new site! Can’t wait to see all of the goodies you have in store! Thanks for sharing you tablescape! I’m loving all of the whites and creams I’ve seen recently. Very well done!
Thanks, Shenita! Love my new “home” 🙂
xo Heidi
New blog looks great. Congrats on the big move. Appears to have gone off without a hitch.
Thanks, Megan– it feels much more like “me” now. 🙂 Appreciate you stopping by!
xo Heidi
Wow!! Heidi, I love the new site! Everything looks amazing. I’m impressed, my dear! 🙂
Thanks, Alison! Love my new “home” 🙂
Beautiful! Right down to your signature with the Fleur de lis <3
Thanks! I LOOOOOVVVVE it!!
Talk about a makeover, my friend!! And I thought I had been busy. Very excited for you and your new conversion to wordpress. Still following! M.
Thanks, Mandi! I LOOOOVVE it!!
xo Heidi
Looks awesome Heidi! Congrats — so proud of you 🙂
L-O-V-E it! Thanks, P, for all your support!
love your site Heidi – you were so great to work with and i enjoyed every minute of turning your dream into a beautiful new blog home!! enjoy every minute of your lovely WordPress site!!
You are the BEST, Aimee! This whole experience will be in my October favorite things post. 🙂
Hey Heidi! Your table is so pretty. I love that room as is but I know the desire for change and anything you do will be gorgeous.
OX’s….Tracy 🙂
You’re so sweet, Tracy! Thanks for stopping by and hope you’re feeling well these days!
xo Heidi
WOW! this is Lovely, Heidi the dining room is lovely I would’nt change a thing or the color. The wordpress site is grand ready to have byaimee.com do mine. The whole thing is inspiring goodluck in your journey.
Thanks for stopping by and your sweet comments! Aimee at byaimee.com is the BEST to work with ~ I <3 her and her work! Sadly, that gorgeous green is 12 years old and I'm ready for a change. It remains one of my all time faves though. 😉
Welcome to WordPress, Heidi! I switched over to WordPress a little more than a year ago. I am STILL trying to figure out all the ins and outs, ups and downs of it!!! Seems like I learn something new every week. I like the simplicity of your table…no fuss equals beautiful and clean! Good luck with your painting project. I know it’s a long and tedious process just to figure out what color you can live with for the next few years. I lived with paint swatches painted on the wall of several rooms for several weeks. I am s-l-o-w when it comes to that sort of thing. It’s time for a change around here, too…ugh! 🙁 Glad to see you here, and I wish you a happy weekend!
Thanks, Alycia! Glad I’m not alone!! Loving WP, but it does take a little getting used to. Hope you come back soon! Happy Weekend!
Your new space sure looks like”home”!
I’m so inspired by your journey and the joy you bring to
your surroundings. I’m always so proud of the
Mother, wife, entrepreneur and woman you are , and blessed to
call you my dear friend! All of what’s good …. Xxoo, Amy
Thank you, my forever friend, for your support and cheerleading! Feeling a trip coming soon. 🙂 xoxo
The blog looks great! Did you switch over to wordpress? How was the move?