I usually do my Friday posts on Thursday nights, but blasted Blogger was down so I expected to post early this morning… no such luck! What’s a blogger to do when Friday is her day off, usually full of penning posts, and there’s no server?
Well, after I cut the grass, pulled out all of my tired and leggy pansies, and blew out the garage, I got my tomato plants rocking in this container. Disclaimer: I have never ever grown tomatoes before! I simply followed the instructions of my friendly Home Depot helper, in terms of soil, fertilizer, and the cage. I’ll let you know how this goes, but I’m so hoping for some delicious tomatoes this summer…
This is the disaster that is currently my dining room table {don’t be looking for any pretty tablescapes for a couple of weeks!}. I trekked to Costo, WalMart, Party City and Old Time Pottery in search of supplies for graduation party decorations.
Look at these awesome plates I scored at Costco! 75 for $7 and they are super sturdy and dinner sized. Not to mention they are her high school’s colors. 🙂
Black block letters (her name) for only $1.99 each and the sweet little yellow buckets for 88 cents each– both at Old Time Pottery.
Lots of crinkle paper on clearance at our WalMart! I want to do at least one table decoration in UGA colors (black and red) since that’s where she’s headed in the fall.
Curious? I have a vision, so hopefully it will all come to fruition! I’ll be sharing the different decorations I do along the way and then of course, the day of her big celebration set up.
Here’s my sweet girl on the day she was recognized as an Elite Senior … she humbles me every day with her heart, soul, and her mind.
I’ve got major purging, reorganizing, and room redos planned for my summer break… wish I could shut off all my ideas until my teaching year is over and our Graduation Weekend is done. Right now, I’ve got scraps of paper and lists all over my office and it’s driving me crazy! But I am also trying to stay in each and every moment of this special time for our family. One day I’ll be caught up… maybe. 🙂
Have a great weekend and hopefully you can catch up on all your Blogger blog reading!

Hey Heidi — amazing what you can accomplish without the Blog Time Suck, right? I can't imagine having a child ready to go off to college; my girls are still so young… Looks like you are going to have a fantastic graduation party!
Good luck with the tomatoes! Home grown tomatoes are the best!
hi Heidi! can not wait to see how this all comes together! how cool that the plates are also her hs colors! Congratulations to your daughter- what an exciting time in her life!
I'm looking forward to growing tomatoes for the first time too, once we get the herb garden designed and made!!
happy weekend!
p.s. I think I will do a post on orchids, thank you!
Looks like my two missing posts will not going to be restored by Blogger after all. Well, these things happen, right. Keep us posted on the tomatoes!!!!
Have great weekend!