I am the queen of keeping it simple when I entertain, but I always want my guests to feel special, too. For my Willow House Debut Party, I set up three zones. My dining room became the bargain basement, where I was unloading gently used samples for $5, $10, or $15. My kitchen was refreshment central while the breakfast area was a display of new Fall products. Catalogs and order forms were in the family room where I … [Read more...]
Sweet Treats to Beat the Heat
Today is National Ice Cream Sandwich Day!! Did you even know such a thing existed? In honor of this auspicious occasion, here are some recipes to delight your family and beat the heat in the process. Enjoy!Chocolate Wafter Ice Cream Sandwiches (from allrecipes.com)1 9oz box chocolate wafer cookies1 quart ice cream, softened1 12oz package mini chocolate chips**On a cookie sheet, place 15 chocolate wafers flat side up. … [Read more...]
Blueberry "Delish"
If you are an avid Southern Living reader, you have probably seen this Blueberry Salsa recipe before (it's been around a long time!), but I decided to share it today, as it's a tried and true favorite in my household and at my parties. Plus, with blueberries at the height of their season, this is an economical crowd pleaser to whip up for your next gathering. Try it with chips or as a garnish for fresh fish off the grill. Your guests will envy … [Read more...]
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