Driftwood Heaven

Happy Hump Day, y’all, and Happy 15th birthday to my baby!

Here he is loving on his Aunt Robyn…

Doesn’t he have the greatest smile??  That man-child is such a source of joy… he’s growing up too fast!

This week I’m taking advantage of some time at home to catch up and spruce up!  Yesterday, I straightened and zhushed my family room.

And I couldn’t wait to show you this…

A super awesome piece of driftwood I found up at Lake Rabun in May.  While I scored several amazing pieces over the last couple of weekends, this one just speaks to me…

Wouldn’t this make an incredible centerpiece?

I may have to create a tablescape just so I can use it. 🙂  I’m picturing succulents tucked in…

I made a few new additions and revisions to my family room, so I’ll share more photos on Friday and add them to my Home Tour (which is still sadly lacking… sorry… I’m working on it).

In the meantime, since it’s all clean and fluffed…

More to come!

For the DIY on my map candles, click here.  I’m also over at the Mohawk Homescapes blog talking about one of my favorite subjects — flea market finds!!  I’ve collected some tips and projects so pop over and say hello!

Enjoy the day!


  1. I love that piece that you have. you are right it would look good with some plants tucked in it. Lucky for you that you have a clean family room. Not sure mine will ever be.

  2. so pretty! i have some up in my loft i need to get out!

  3. looks fabulous and here’s wishing your son the BEST 15th birthday EVER!!!! hugs…

  4. Heidi when I look at your family rm. I see all chairs directed to a TV making the TV the focal point. I there any way you can take your sofa and turn it kitty wompus facing the tv and left side of the fireplace? Then the wall where the sofa is put the two white chairs with a table and lamp in between them? Then take the table if there is rm and put it by the wall where the white chair was and leave the window open for flow and light? And not have the faux tree in the rm. the driftwood is a “free” art accent to your rm!

    • Linda, the actual focal point is the fireplace opposite the sofa. We’ve lived here 14 years and have tried multiple furniture arrangements, but due to the room’s dimensions and the furniture we currently have and enjoy, this is the only arrangement that works and keeps the flow open. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. What an awesome piece of driftwood! I love when they’re curved like that! Your family room is so cozy!!

  6. He’s so handsome! Happy birthday to him!

    My father in law picks up driftwood sometimes, and I love getting it. 🙂

  7. I couldn’t NOT check this out. I LOVE it!! And definitely deserves it’s own tablescape!! And happy belated birthday to your son!!!


  1. […] is the shot I showed you before from the doorway — I had a comment that I should turn the sofa sideways and it actually made […]

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