I Can’t Resist… Gold Polka Dots

I think I’m a little late to this party, y’all.   I know (now) that other bloggers were getting their gold polka dots on last fall.  And I’m quite sure there were some in Christmas decor here and there.

But they weren’t really on my radar until I’d taken all the Christmas decor down and finally had some time to browse around on Pinterest and some online stores.  And lo and behold, I was seeing them everywhere.  And longing to create something that needed gold polka dots. 🙂

This thrift store pitcher was my first victim…

gold polka dot pitcher

And then there was a little typography project… the dots are the best part; my script needs work. 🙂

gold dot typography

And some ivory tapers fell victim and are now in my booth…

gold dot candles


But can you blame me?  With all this gold polka dot loveliness out there?












Yep.  Hard to resist.

Wonder what else I can come up with?

Enjoy your Monday!

heidi signature


  1. yes! i love them, too! especially on walls!

  2. Well I have to admit, I do like it. I just got used to switching to silver though.

  3. love em too. love that stationary.

  4. I love gold polka dots too!! I bought polka dot burlap, because I just had to have it!

  5. I love polka dots…especially gold…my granddaughter has requested that I paint her walls with polka dots !!

  6. I’m loving gold polka dots too! I really need to add some to my house somewhere!


  1. […] know how much I’m loving metallic gold these […]

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