May’s Favorite Things

I seriously did not think I would make it through May.  I fully intended to roll through the month with a few outdoor projects I could share here and at The Great Outdoors linky party and with my sanity intact.

But here I sit, brain-dead, in a very dirty, messy house, recovering from a brutal chest cold that kicked my hiney the last week of school, with nothing to show but a few of my favorites and a To Do List for June.  Sorry, folks!  Life sometimes gets in the way of blogging projects. 🙂

But I hope you’ll enjoy these…

My hydrangeas…

I’ve waited YEARS for beautiful blue mopheads and this month, my wait was over!

Bliss’s scrap wood sign…



I am determined to give this project a try… goodbye stack of scrap wood in my garage!

Successful thrifting trips…

Read about this one HERE!

Family milestones…

like Jack’s 8th grade dance and…

Erin making the Dean’s List at UGA.  So many proud mama moments!

Puppy love…

A friend’s new puppy joined us at the lake last weekend and we all loved up on him… isn’t he presh?  Is there anything cuter?

I’m feeling so glad I compiled this post… makes me forget how tired and fried I feel!  So many wonderful things to celebrate in May.

I’m sharing my June To Do List over at Fancy Little Things today… trying to make myself accountable!  Check out the list and weigh in with your own if you’d like…

And how about sharing YOUR favorite things from May while you’re here?  😉


  1. oh that puppy is the cutest!!!!!

  2. You sure did have a jam packed “May”…take care of yourself and everything else will fall into place!!….

  3. Bulldog pups are the cutest things in the world! I can’t wait to see your version of the scrap wood sign!

  4. Maybe that is my problem, I just have a huge list that overwhelms me. If I broke it into managable bits, more might get done. But I will tell you this….. if I had to make another scrap wood project I could accomplish that – it was fun, easy, and I didn’t have to be exact. I have no doubt when you decide to do it, it shall get done in true Heidi fashion, and it will be most excellent.


  5. A dance, dean’s list and puppy are my top faves!

    And of course your fabulous thrifting scores!

  6. Cutest puppy ever!! Looks like you had a really beautiful May. Here’s to an even better June!

  7. Congrats to your kiddos! That puppy is SO cute!! It’s killing me.

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