My Fall Front Porch (Finally!)

Hello, friends!  It’s practically Halloween and I haven’t shared my porch yet!  Actually, I’m not a Halloween girl… so the most that might get added to this would be a fuzzy felt spider and a plug-in jack o’lantern.

My peeps are no longer interested in carving pumpkins… in fact, they’ll all be “hanging out” with friends and not trick-or-treating tomorrow night.  The hubs will be out as well, so it looks like me, my bowl of candy, and my light-up jack o’lantern!

Anyhow, at least my porch will look decent and I won’t have to make any big changes until it’s time to break out the Christmas decor!

fall front porch

This porch is a challenge to photograph!  The sun was out, which was good and bad.   Bad because I have to be right up on the porch to take a decent shot, but good because otherwise it would look too dark.  #1stworldproblems  It looked great from the street the other day, but I could not get it to photograph well.  Boo.

fall porch right side

Speaking of “Boo”, you can get the full tutorial for my “Boo Y’all” planter HERE.  Try not to focus on that faded doormat.  And that blank wall space to the right of the door.  I’ve got plans.   🙂

fall porch right details

fall front door

Can you see the glare from the sun reflected in the window on my door?

fall porch left side

My little junkyard dog is still keeping watch…

fall porch left detail

Think I’ll just perch out here on my bench while I wait for trick-or-treaters tomorrow night!

What about you?  Will you be answering the door,  attending a party, or accompanying little ones?  Whatever your plans, I hope it’s safe and fun!

heidi signature


  1. love the pops of blue you have going on! looks great, heidi!

  2. You have such a beautiful front door. I’m envious! I hate those tricky to photograph places. Pics look great to me.

  3. I love the “Boo Y’all” planter! I am not a Halloween girl either. On Oct first, I pulled out all my pumpkin & fall-leaf decor and set it around on front porch, buffet, both eating tables, etc. And there it will stay until the day after Thanksgiving when it is replaced w/Christmas decor. I don’t love the spooky things, my kids are high school & college students so they are not into Halloween any more, and it is just so easy to decorate in a Fall theme and let the stuff sit as-is for a good two months! I have a few real and a few fake pumpkins on my front porch. I even bought an alphabet stencil & made a front porch plaque that says, “Happy Fall, Y’all” and embellished it by gluing on some fall things like teeny pumpkins, fall leaves, etc. I also found some orange & white chevron fabric in WALMART, and hot-glued it around a few pots of mums – so I’ve got a little orange going on but a little more classic than “Halloween” and can leave it there thru Th’giving.

  4. Saw your post on pinterest. Where did you get the chalkboard “thingy” on the front of the flower basket? Did it come with it?

    • Hi Amy! The little chalkboard came with the basket, but I think you could DIY one pretty easily with a small wooden plaque, chalkboard spray paint, and twine! Hope that helps!

  5. Looks very welcoming for little ghosts and goblins! I still have pumpkin carvers in my house and thanks to Pinterest, this year I dug out a power drill for the first time in my life and went to work making lots of holes. Loved the way it turned out. Happy Halloween!

  6. I’m skipping straight to a Christmas porch, ok?

  7. That’s beautiful! We’re not big halloween decorators either. Your front porch is perfect for fall!

  8. It’s beautiful….. LOVE fall!!!

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