“Owl” Be Seeing You…

Love getting packages, don’t you?

Check out my latest score from The Foundary, just off the FedEx truck.  Doesn’t he look at home??  The birds seem to like having him there, too, surprisingly.

Do you shop The Foundary?  One of my favorite flash sale sites… click HERE for an invitation.

I spent the day supervising termite repairs that ended up being much more extensive than we all thought.  Ugh.  Good news is I got several things done at home made good headway on several projects — yay!  I’ll have some things to share next week.

Hope you all have a blessed and safe weekend!


  1. He’s adorable! I have not heard of the Foundry! I will check it out.
    Sounds like you and I had similar things going on this week. Mine is going to be a little bit of a process, but the good news is that we found the problem and are fixing it!
    Sounds like you did too!
    Hope you are having a nice weekend!

  2. Heidi I love it!! I get emails and just don’t check the sales often…I am missing out!

    Featuring an Interview with Tina from The Enchanted Home…


    Art by Karena

  3. I love getting packages! Especially fun ones with home decor in them, although even the surprise of the giant box of paper towels or the diapers is still pretty fun:)


  4. You’re right, he does look right at home! I love getting packages as well…I just got my Annie sloan chalk paint so I was busy playing with that all weekend! 🙂

  5. LOVE the owl. I love Harry Pottery and he reminds me of Hedwig. And I love the Foundary but haven’t actually ordered anything yet!!

  6. Cute owl…he looks right at home there!!….The Foundry…where have I been? I will check it out….

    Happy Mother’s Day Heidi!!!

  7. I need one of those. I heard they help keep the birds away and the birds over my pergola keep having a poo party 🙁

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