Tip of the Week: Beauty IS in the Eye of the Beholder!

How cliche, right?  Not so much.  I recently spent a delightful evening at an Art Auction to benefit Special Olympics of Georgia.  The auctioneer travels, with art in tow, all the way from New York, his carefully “pre-selected” pieces loaded on trucks for the journey.  This year the pieces were all framed works– which I adore–but I was hoping for a few sculptural pieces as well.  At any rate, I was struck by the same question, drifting on the surface of conversations throughout the evening:  will this piece “go” with the rest of my decor/other art pieces/paint colors, etc?  As an amateur art collector, self-proclaimed art enthusiast, educated art historian and lover of decorating and redecorating, I have a piece of advice when it comes to purchasing art for your home.

Buy what you love.

Simple, right?  I can hear the “buts” already– but where would I put it? but what if it doesn’t match? but will it look good?  The reasoning behind my advice is truly simplistic.  If you love it, you will find a place in your home for it.  If you love it, whether or not it “matches” is really beside the point (and you may find yourself parting with other decorative pieces that suddenly pale in comparison to your treasure.).  If you love it, it will look good to YOU.

William Morris wrote: “Have nothing in your homes that you do not know to be useful and believe to be beautiful.”  I would venture to say that what we find beautiful also inspires us, nutures us, and comforts us. And our home is a haven for inspiring, nuturing, comforting the ones we love.  Do it.  Buy what you love, what inspires you and brings you pleasure.  All your “buts” will fade away when you do.

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