Archives for April 2019


Hi friends, I'm having a hard time believing Easter is upon us! I don't know where the time goes, but I take comfort in knowing I'm not the only one. :) I had a nice productive/super busy Spring Break last week and then traveled to Texas for a memorial service. The bonus, of course, was spending some unexpected time with my parents, siblings, and niece/nephews. But I have to confess I am DRAGGING this week. I happen to have a weekend at … [Read more...]

What I Learned This Month… March

I seem to have lost the month of March somewhere... anybody else?? We are finally enjoying some spring-like weather here in ATL (though today will be chilly and cloudy), and the days upon days of rain are hopefully behind us! Since I last posted a lot has gone on -- some good, some not so good, but isn't that the way? We find ourselves once again in a season of change - some good, some not so good. But we persevere and try to be present and … [Read more...]