{A} is for Apple :)… Apple Pizza Recipe

Happy Friday and Happy Fall, y’all! For some reason this week seemed odd and off a bit to me… barometric pressure? the moon?  onset of the autumnal equinox?  Not sure, but we made it to the end– woo hoo!

If you’ve been a reader for a while, you know that my “day” job is a preschool teacher, which means I get to finger paint, sing, act silly, memorize Bible verses, teach phonics, and come up with all kinds of fun projects to keep my 4 year old sweeties engaged and learning.  This week we were reviewing the vowels and digging into our unit on apples, so we made Apple Pizzas.

Easy Apple Pizza

They turned out sooooo yummy and were such a piece of cake to make hit, I thought I’d share.  You can make this more complicated from scratch if you like.  I kept it simple so the kiddos could participate. The whole school smelled good, too, while they were baking. 🙂

What You Need:

  • can of refrigerated biscuits
  • aluminum foil covered cookie sheet or jelly roll pan, lightly greased
  • applesauce or grated fresh apples (can you guess which one I used?)
  • cinnamon sugar for sprinkling

What You Do:

  • Preheat oven according to biscuit package directions.
  • Lay biscuits out onto foil-covered cookie sheet.  We wrote their names in Sharpie beside each biscuit.
  • Press the individual biscuits, flattening out to about 1/2 to 2/3 inch thick (the children can do this).
  • Spread a layer of applesauce on top of the biscuit (the children did this with the backs of spoons).
  • Sprinkle cinnamon sugar generously on top. 🙂
  • Bake biscuits according to directions, plus a minute or two.  The edges should be golden.  The center will seem a little doughy to the touch because of the applesauce, but it will be done.
  • Let cool a bit and enjoy!

These make a yummy breakfast treat or snack.  You’re welcome!

Today I’m perusing one of my favorite home stores for more fall inspiration.  I’ll share with you next week, just in case you haven’t found your autumn chi yet.

Linking up!

Join  us Saturdays at tatertotsandjello.com for the weekend wrap  up           party!

Have a great weekend. 🙂


  1. Tracy Suzanne says

    Uh' can you say YUM!!! That looks so good Heidi. I would be in the kitchen making them now if I had the apples. Instead, I'm hitting the bookmark on this recipe. Now my stomach is starting to get that demanding monster voice.

    After your comment I went back and found the link for my table runner. I print out a ton of tutorials and file them away. In black and white of course. If I could afford color I'd have a great craft book. Anyway it was an HGTV project with the template included. Just go to hgtv and put in "How to make a burlap Halloween Table Runner". I've got another copy cat project that I thought was so cute and I'll share it tomorrow.

    OOXX's…Tracy 🙂

  2. yum, yum, yum!!! i am so going to add this to my list of things to make this fall with the kids. thanks for posting!! 🙂

  3. Angie@Echoes of Laughter says

    This looks so yummy! Fresh from the oven..I bet they were delish! Angie xo

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