This Summer’s Book Stack

Happy Thursday, friends! Since I’m already a third of the way through my summer “break”, I thought I’d share my book stack for the season. I always look forward to stretches of time to immerse myself in a good book and summer is the best candidate for such. A few weeks ago I had the grandiose notion that I would read a book a week, and while I may still get there, it’s not looking too good at this point! A few longer road trips in the passenger seat have helped move things along lately, so who knows? Have you ever set a reading goal for yourself?

This summer I decided to tackle my backlog of books that have camped out on my bedside table for a while and also sprinkle in a few off my Amazon wish list.

Summer reading stack
Summer 2019 book stack

I’ve already finished The Thirteenth Tale, which was my book club’s May pick. Sadly, I missed the meeting, but I did finish it and will be sharing some thoughts on it next week. Suffice to say, it was a surprise to me. 🙂

Missing from this stack is my book club’s summer pick, Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens. I have mixed feelings about adding this one in — I find that my personal tastes in books often don’t sync up to the bestseller lists and five-star reviews. But it has been recommended by several readerly friends, whose opinions I trust, so it’s currently in my Amazon cart.

I hope this stack gets devoured and enjoyed in short order and I will be on the hunt for more reads by summer’s end! On that note, have you read any of these? And what’s on your list to read this summer??

And Another Thing…

As a post-script (I think this might become a regular thing?), our theme for next week’s summer camp at Legacy is Favorite Books. We’ll enjoy a different book each day and have crafts, games, and activities related to the story, along with some good lessons learned from each. It’s been a lot of work pulling that together, but literacy is a passion of mine, and however we can instill a love of reading and books in these Little Ones is so very worth it! Let me know if you’re interested in a round up of all we did!

Have an awesome day, y’all and I’ll be back with the return of Five on Friday tomorrow!

xo Heidi

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  1. Terrie C. says

    Since I am finishing my Master’s this summer and taking a class on creating a online class (I taught a class this last semester at a local community college and loved it!) most of my reading has been research for my professional paper and article for the online class. All of which is about regenerative agriculture. Oh and we are getting the house ready to put on the market next week (yikes) and then making the move to Oregon in the next month or so.
    I look forward to reading for fun towards the end of summer. Have a great one cuz.

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