
Much as I hated leaving the beach and sunsets like this... I'm so excited to be attending Haven conference today and tomorrow!  Hopefully I'll be soaking up all kinds of inspiration for you!  At the very least, I know I'll be rubbing elbows and catching up with some of my favorite bloggers and learning how to make Decor & More a better experience for my readers. This week I had two guest posts published if you're looking for design … [Read more...]

What I’m Reading, Working On, and Loving…

Happy Friday, friends!  Whew, what a week!  I know I promised a giveaway today, but I've decided to wait a bit to announce it... you see, Decor & More is getting a little work done.  :-D  Can you see how big I'm smiling??  I'm so excited about the fresh new look coming our way!  So because the site might be down a bit here and there for the next few days, it's not the best time to do a giveaway.  It's coming soon, I promise, though. … [Read more...]

DIY Jute Clay Pot Wreath

Happy Hump Day, y'all!  We're still battling rain showers here daily, so my paint projects are lagging as they have all summer... ugh!  I know there are parts of the world that are parched, so I hate to complain, but it's become too much of a good thing this summer.  But the silver lining is that I've been able to complete a few "rainy day projects"! Like this wreath... This is such an easy DIY, but I love it for summertime and it would … [Read more...]

DIY Paint Stirrer Herb Markers

Remember how I said I wanted a garden?  How much I enjoyed eating fresh in the summertime?  And how some generous friends shared their bounty with us?  And then there was this amazing drink and this tasty side that called for fresh herbs? Well I abandoned my other projects to put together my own little herb garden on my back deck complete with DIY herb markers... made from paint stirrers and a little chalkboard paint. This is a super … [Read more...]

Monday on a Tuesday

Whew -- what an amazing weekend I had in NYC with my BFF.  If you follow me on Instagram you got a few peeks at what we were up to. :)  Fun times... I'll give you the details in a later post, but for today I'm digging out from under a pile of mail, emails, and laundry.  You know -- the post-trip drill in a busy household. But I'd love for you to take a look at a quick outdoor project I did last week... a container herb garden! I'm … [Read more...]