Christmas on the Front Porch {Inspiration}

Hey there!  Hope y’all are having a good week and getting your ho-ho-ho in tip top shape!  The blogosphere is full of holiday home tours this week (tons of inspiration out there!!) and I’m still working on decking my halls.  True confession — when you’re gone for Thanksgiving every year (which we are) it’s hard to get a head start on full blown Christmas decorating.  So I always feel a little behind, but I honestly don’t stress.    My halls will be fully decked by the end of the weekend, leaving us plenty of time to enjoy.

This year, I have a hankering to change up my front porch decor.  I have an awesome front porch and the last year or two I’ve decorated it more as an afterthought.  Feeling something different this year, so I decided to collect some inspiration images from Pinterest to help me out. 🙂

porch- potted pineconessource

porch- bhg lighted

porch- wrapped garlandsource

porch- rustic laddersource

porch- chair and joy signsource

porch- rustic twig and greenerysource

porch- lighted grapevinesource

porch- windowsource

porch- wood and greenerysource

So what’s interesting to me is that in my search for inspiration, I hit on lots of individual elements that I love, but no one entire porch quite fit my vision.  You know what that means?  Opportunity!!  I’m excited to put together my porch now!  And I’ve realized how many elements I already have that just need tweaking, clipping, or updating.  Let’s see how crafty and frugal I can get…

What about you?  Changing anything up this year or going with your old favorites in Christmas decor?

Enjoy the day, all!

heidi signature


  1. I was inspired by the home tour you shared and the simplicity of it all. This year I’m going to try and blend in my decorations to make it look as if its been there all year long, splitting up the collections rather than grouping them together. I’ll be taking a “less is more” approach if that makes any sense? I think there will be some boxes going back to the basement “heavy” this season!

    In my last house I had a front porch that we did the lighted swag on the railing, but I’m loving the garland wrapped around the post picture above. It looks so elegant and inviting!

  2. Love the inspiration and looking forward to your Christmas porch which I know will be just beautiful!

  3. my porch is so simple this year white classic red and green. looking forward to seeing what you come up with!


  1. […] be traveling some over Christmas and I’m simplifying my inside decorations?  Anyway, after gathering some inspiration, here’s where I […]

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