My Lenten Discipline for 2016

Lent is upon us once again — early this year!  And I find it somehow appropriate that this morning dawned our coldest of the year.  A few stray snowflakes are still blowing about and I’m lingering in front of the fire with coffee and my Lent Devotional from She Reads Truth.

Lent devotional_She Reads Truth

I used to dread Lent in my younger days… it was depressing and meant giving up something for 47 long days.   Somewhere along the way of spiritual growth and maturing in my thinking and walk with Christ I had — quite literally — an epiphany.   The 40 days that Jesus spent in the desert was a time of preparation — preparation for his ultimate sacrifice.  He knew what was coming, knew the physical and emotional pain he would endure, knew he had to sit back and let God’s plan come to fruition no matter the cost.  Can you imagine the reflection?  The thoughts going through his mind??  I can’t fathom what those days must have looked like, felt like for him.

When I regard the season of Lent through the lens of Christ’s sacrifice I know that we’re supposed to embrace it — not dread it or observe it begrudgingly.  We’re supposed to dive in, quiet our hearts and minds, reflect on our own existence and the areas of excess as well as the areas in which we’re lacking.  This shift in thinking has led me in recent years to embark on Lenten discipline — a practice that might involve giving something up or trying something new with intent upon glorifying Him.  Last year I collected items around my home daily for a weekly donation — I purged excess and passed it on to those in need at the same time.  By the time Easter Sunday arrived, I had cleaner closets and drawers, less stuff, and full heart knowing someone less fortunate was benefiting. Truth be told, I should do this throughout the year!

This year I pondered several ways I could observe Lent.  Truthfully I came up with five or six things I could give up or do as my Lenten discipline.  But attempting too much would end up in scattered failure and self-imposed guilt.  I want to reach Easter Sunday with a full heart, clear mind, and open hands to receive the joy of His resurrection.  So I’ve landed on two simple things… areas in which I want to grow.

The Word.  I’m thirsty for His Word like never before.  With my on-going word study for “trust” (my Word of the Year) and my regular devotionals, I’m finding that my 30-45 minutes with Him each morning are not enough.  So my goal, especially with this magnificent SRT Lenten devotional in my hands, is to expand my time in the Word each day… whether it’s an extra half hour on leisurely mornings or an hour later in the day that would normally be occupied with email, errands, or watching “Ellen.”  I need to learn to quiet myself in the Word throughout the day — not just over coffee before the chaos of the day begins.


Offline evenings.  This may sound ridiculous, but I can’t tell you how many times I end up on email at 10pm, which leads to a rabbit trail of blog-reading and social media, etc.  I can’t totally check out of devices (my phone) at night — teenager in the house and all.  But I don’t have to pull up my email or Facebook.  And I don’t have to open my laptop.  There are plenty of hours in my day — busy as they are with Legacy right now — so anything online can be handled then.  Not taking time away from my family, the Word, or even just a good book.   My husband is a master at staying offline after 6pm — he simply refuses to go online.  So I intend to follow his example here.  And I KNOW he will hold me accountable. 😀

I’m truly looking forward to these next 47 days… an opportunity for growth and better balance in my life is one I can’t pass up.   I’d love to hear if you observe Lent and if so, what does that look like in your home and life?

If you want to read more about Lent, Edie at Life in Grace wrote a wonderful post HERE.  And yesterday I shared THIS ARTICLE from Dayspring on my Facebook page.

Wishing you a blessed Ash Wednesday!

heidi signature


  1. What a great idea for sacrifice…I’m not sure what the rest of this school year will bring me, but I am doing the challenge of giving up something each day — something that will bless someone else. I am also going to try to sacrifice my sweet tooth, which will be ridiculously difficult.

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