Preschool Cupcakes and Coffee with Mom…

Last week we celebrated our preschoolers’ moms with a Cupcakes and Coffee spread.  This event is a lot of work, but the kids and the moms love it so much, I always feel that it is completely worth it!   So I thought you might enjoy a sneak peek of my “other” job…

The tables are decorated with the children’s gifts for mom:  scrapbooks of art collected over the entire year!  We save one project each month, then mount them and compile these…

The cover has their little hand print and a chip board first initial.  I love the way these look. 🙂

And no table is complete without a centerpiece… so I crafted these vases and added simple white blooms.  These are also door prizes, because what’s a party without party favors?

I use my favorite color scheme: brown, celery green, and white.  Preschool classrooms can look so hectic with all the bright colors, so I prefer to keep it simple and elegant (or as elegant as you can get in a preschool classroom).  All geared to make our moms feel special. 🙂

And, here’s our spread… lemon cupcakes with cream cheese frosting and fresh strawberries… and coffee.

Yummy.  You have no idea how I had to beat my Big People off of these at home. 🙂

And for the kiddos, frosting with sprinkles on simple yellow cupcakes.  Breakfast of champions. 🙂

Every year I say a few words to my moms as a group.

This year was hard.  It has by far been my toughest year yet of being a mom.  Don’t you think when your children are 25, 23, 19, 17, and 13 you’d have some smooth sailing?  Though there’s been moments of that this year, it’s been a year of rough seas, too… graduations, college, heartbreaking losses of loved ones, difficult choices, teenage boys that need me more than they want me.

So I shared Ann’s book, One Thousand Gifts, with them.  It’s been my lifeline, my go-to for a year and half now.  And I thought these moms of Little Ones could use a handbook for their own rough seas ahead.

“Don’t ask to borrow my copy,” I told them, showing them the underlined passages, dog-earred pages, highlighted paragraphs.  “I won’t part with it.  And you won’t either, once you have your own.”

And that, friends, is a peek at my day job… at least for another two weeks. 🙂

Thought I’d share…

Home Stories A2Z

Hoping you all had a blessed Mother’s Day!


  1. how sweet!

  2. aw, looks so sweet and thoughtful! and i don’t think parenting ever gets “easy”…. too many emotions are always involved!

  3. I miss those “little kid” days. They go so fast.

    What a special time you make for the mommies =)

  4. I may need that book to get me thru the teen years just on the horizon!

    Love those cute little hand prints (and miss them)!

  5. How sweet it all looks! You did an amazing job! Everything looks so coordinated and done with care! Your students and their moms are so blessed to have you!
    Well done, Heidi!

  6. Heidi…I love the handprint with the initial…oh…I think I need to do that with my granddaughter….You are such a wonderful teacher…!!!…Your dedication to your students shines in each thing you do…We need more teachers like you!!!

  7. What a beautiful event!

  8. Think I will have to look into that book.


  9. awhhhhh what a great day job and what great perspective! Thank you for sharing a peek into your real world! I love getting to know the real life side of blogging friends!!! 🙂

  10. I’m heading out now in search of the book! I’ve converted to the Nook, but if it is as good as you make it look, I’m sure I’ll need a hardcopy to dog ear and underline and highlight myself!

  11. oh Heidi! i sure think i am going to hop on over to Amazon to take a peek at the book! they hand print with the initial is just so incredibly WONDERFUL!!!! sending you tons of hugs my friend! ps — you are a great mom : )

  12. Heidi, what a lovely post! You are that treasured teacher that the kids and their parents never, ever forget!

    You created a beautiful cupcake and coffee event!
    in books


    And those handprints and personalized letters handmade books filled with the kid’s artwork? Priceless!

  13. Cecilia Goodman says

    Gorgeous color palette you’re working with! I love the celery green…such a pretty spring-time touch of flair to go with lemon cupcakes! I just whipped up a batch at home to give to some friends and I went with similar “grown-up” colors…found some super-cute teal scalloped cupcake cups…so pretty set off against dark chocolate frosting!

  14. I love the insight into your life. I often think that teaching preschool must be hard, bt compared to teenagers, I think it is such a sweet break form the emotional work you have to do with the big ones (although preschool is obviously hard in it’s own way!).

    Not sure that makes sense, my 6 month old has a virus and threw up on me while typing, so I’ve got to run. Small kid = small problems!



  1. […] a great day for the kids and moms and a LOT of work.   You can read about last year’s tea here.  I’ll be sharing this year’s, too, along with a DIY table decoration, if I can get my […]

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