Some Weekend Reading…

Hello, friends... I don't normally post on the weekends but felt the call to do so today.   I am here in NYC spending precious time with my daughter and BFF,  and while we're ogling all the Christmas splendor of the city, my heart is full the true spirit of Christmas. Last Saturday I wrote this post for Fancy Little Things about simplifying my holiday decor (gasp!) to fully embrace the reason for the season.  It would warm my heart if … [Read more...]

Gift Wrap Ideas… Just in case :)

Hey there... I'm jetting off to NYC with my daughter for a GIRLS' WEEKEND with my her and my  BFF today!  Is there anything better during the Christmas season?  I'll be sure to share some pics and if you follow me on Instagram (heidiopia), I'm sure you'll see a few, too. :) This week I've been wrapping gifts like a crazy woman.  All of my family is in Texas or Arizona, so the gifts had to go out this week and I was a busy beaver wrapping and … [Read more...]

Inspiration for your Thanksgiving Table…

  Thanksgiving week is here!  The shopping lists are being compiled and hopefully the baking has begun... time to celebrate family, friends, and blessings.  If you've waited until now to plan your table scape, don't fear!  The best inspiration this time of year can be found in Mother Nature herself...  look what I've compiled to get your creative juices flowing!   Source: via Heidi on … [Read more...]

Inspiring Blogger Interview: Jaime from Crafty Scrappy Happy

Y'all are in for a treat today!!  My sweet friend Jaime from Crafty Scrappy Happy is here to chat about her fabulous blog, her newly renovated lake side home,  and what inspires her sense of style.  She is, indeed, one crafty chick, turning out favorites like this one... Source: via Heidi on Pinterest   and this... Source: via Heidi on Pinterest   I love her … [Read more...]

Don’t Forget to Vote!!

We are blessed with so many freedoms in this country, including the right to vote.  No matter what your political leanings and philosophies are,  exercise your right today!! In Georgia, Election Day is a school holiday, so I'll be voting this morning and then working blissfully on some crafty holiday projects while my teenagers sleep late. :) See you back here tomorrow!   … [Read more...]

October’s Favorite Things

Can you believe it's November?  Do you feel that clock ticking toward Christmas like I do??  Wow! This October was a jam-packed, fun-filled, stress-inducing month.  Wonder what November will be like???  I'm scared.  Hold me. Just kidding!  But seriously, we were out of town quite a bit, running our legs off while in town, and hanging by a thread about the opening of the new antique mall where my booth will be.  Oh, and out of town company … [Read more...]

The Big Apple

Happy Friday, friends, and it is truly T.G.I.F. for me!! The hubs and I are jetting off to NYC this morning to spend a weekend enjoying fall in the Big Apple!  It's his first trip there and I'm so excited to expose him to the energy, culture, and fun that is there!  I'm also excited to spend some time with my BFF who lives there and is graciously hosting us for the weekend.   Source: via Niv on … [Read more...]

September’s Favorite Things

Another busy weekend behind us and another busy week before us!  And here we are in October! Wow, as reluctant as I was to embrace September, I have to admit that it's a pretty wonderful month.  And it's been a little rocky, too, so I was so happy to pull together this post of the wonderful things I enjoyed.  Always good to camp out on the positive, no? So without further ado... my favorite things from September! 1.  3 of my favorite … [Read more...]

This ‘n That Friday

What a week.  All I can say is T.G.I.F.  My Little Crazies at school have been exactly that -- CRAZY.  I'm not sure what it is about this group, but my assistant and I have had a hard time reining them in.  Makes for some very loooooong days and a lot of evenings of being completely spent and brain-dead.  Not good for creative juices!  It's pretty clear most of my creativity will have to happen on the weekends this year! This weekend I'm … [Read more...]

Embracing Fall…

It's tough to get on the pumpkin bandwagon when I'm still sporting bermuda shorts, flip flops, and sunscreen to the preschool.  This week we've a bit of relief from the heat and some gorgeous 80 degree days with breezes... that's how fall eases into the South, y'all.  And now I'm seeing Halloween posts and fall tablescapes all over blogland... and I STILL can't quite get there! I'm not seeing oranges or golds for my fall decorating this … [Read more...]