Monday, Monday {Spreading Some Liebster Love}

Monday again!  How did that happen? This is what I saw yesterday morning, with the sun streaming into our family room... I love how you can see the bubbles in the glass projected on the wall.  By the way, this demijohn is a Willow House product, our Lady Jane Bottleneck vase, available HERE.  I love mine. Last week, I had the happy surprise of being awarded this... Sweet Lisa of Budget Design Girl passed this honor on to me!!  … [Read more...]

March’s Favorite Things

It's so hard for me to believe we're at the end of March (do I sound like a broken record?)!  We're entering that crazy time of year that reeks of madness... the fun kind of course. If you're a mom with kids in school, you might as well tether your calendar to your waist and fire up the checkbook.  It's year-end this and year-end that headed your way before you know it. :) I've got some AWESOME favorites from March, so rather than wait until … [Read more...]

Inspiring Blogger Interview: Karianne at Thistlewood Farm

Well, it's back to reality after an incredible time at the beach and a crazy busy week of work and celebrating!  Today, I'm beginning a new feature here at Decor & More: an Inspiring Blogger Interview!  I figure y'all listen to my own ramblings often enough and in the interest of... well, interest-- and expanding my little blog's horizons, I thought I would begin sharing interviews with some of my favorite inspirational bloggers once a … [Read more...]