A Home for the Watercolors {Thrift Store Frames}

At last.  A home for my grandmother's watercolors that she painted back in the 1950's.  After months of searching art supply and framing stores and pondering custom frames, a simple pair of thrift store frames got the gig. Once they got a little facelift and were paired with prefab mats from Michael's, they were the perfect solution. I love the way the finish turned out (read about that here).  I love that both her hands and … [Read more...]

The Quest for Lighting {Ugly Duckling Dining Room}

Did you realize there is no ceiling light fixture in my ugly duckling dining room? Several years ago, I had an electrician look at this problem and we discovered there is no wiring in the ceiling of this room.  It used to be a little-used living room before it was designated as my dining room, and apparently the builder (back in 1986) didn't think any overhead lighting was necessary.  Clearly a man, no? The long and short of it was that … [Read more...]

Ugly Duckling Dining Room {Bloggers Without Borders}

Ahhhh.  Amazing what a fresh paint color will do! As promised, here's my progress on my Bloggers Without Borders project, my Ugly Duckling Dining room... This was in the midst of the chaos-- forgive the blur, I was a little weak from that dad gum stomach bug. :-) The paint color is Behr's Silver Sateen, the same color I used in my Mom Cave (which is adjacent).  And because just painting isn't enough, I decided to reconfigure the … [Read more...]

Thrift Store Frames Revamp {Chalk Paint}

I'm alive but functioning at about 50% -- not good when you have a dining room in total disarray and company on the way!  I've put my indentured servants teenagers to work helping clean and fluff for the grandparents... times like this I love having older kids!  Thank you for your well wishes yesterday - I so needed your words of encouragement. I was hoping to share a fully completed project today using these thrift store frames, but I'm … [Read more...]

Let’s Chip It!

Nothing like a deadline and out-of-town company coming to get your rear in gear on a big project, right? Yep, I'm in the midst of painting my dining room.  Because y'all get an update on my Blogging Without Borders project on Monday, so I had to have SOME progress to show you. :)  And my parents, niece, and nephews are arriving Saturday, so it was time to get it rocking so I could have things reasonably put back before they arrive (and … [Read more...]

My Summer Mantle {mantel}

It's about time, right?  I actually finished this up a couple of weeks ago, but am just now getting around to sharing my summer mantle.  I wanted to keep this mantel simple but layered, and in keeping with a summertime and travel theme.  Did I hit the mark? The painting of the little girl running in the waves is something I purchased a few years ago at a Special Olympics art auction.  It reminds me of my daughter.   Of course, my map … [Read more...]

Happy 4th of July!

Dear Friends, Hoping you're sharing the day with family and friends, celebrating the wonderful land of freedom in which we live!  Even Junky my junkyard dog is in the spirit! Happy 4th of July and let freedom ring! … [Read more...]

Blogging Without Borders {Ugly Duckling Dining Room}

  It's here!  Time to reveal my project for our Blogging Without Borders project! The idea behind this project was to encourage us decor DIYers to break out of our comfort zones when transforming a space in our homes.  We can all paint a room, right?  But what about those project ideas you pin but in the back of your mind you're thinking it's probably too complicated or over my head?  I know you have those thoughts.  Or maybe I'm the … [Read more...]

June’s Favorite Things

Gosh I thought May was crazy, but June has been a little nutty, too!  I secretly enjoy the revolving door days of summer with all the kids home and their friends in tow.  And then there's the sky high grocery bills and endless dishes and laundry.  But I'm willing to overlook those things to enjoy our summer time together. :) I've got some exciting things planned around my house in July, so stay tuned for those, but in the meantime, here are my … [Read more...]

Looky What I Found {Antique Map of the South}

Well, I'm still sorting out all the great information I got at Haven and having fun visiting the blogs of the ladies I met -- so much talent out there in the blogosphere!  But a busy household waits for no one, so I'm getting hardly anything a few things done around here, too. And I was thrilled when my latest purchase from Decor Steals (formerly WUSLU) showed up on my doorstep! I love maps.  They just speak of journeys and memories.  … [Read more...]