Easy DIY Moss and Burlap Wreath

Once I finally took down my evergreen "M" that hangs in my kitchen window through the winter months, it just looked so bare.  When I then painted the walls that  very pale gray-green, I knew I needed something with a little punch hanging there... can't be too sleek and neutral now. :)  And I wanted natural elements -- or something resembling natural elements anyway. So I gathered up a few things I had laying around from other projects:  a … [Read more...]

Happy Memorial Day!

Hope you're enjoying the weekend! Remember to thank a soldier or sailor. See you soon with more outdoor projects! … [Read more...]

Progress on the To-Do’s & Boredom Buster Bags

You kind of get two posts in one today, in the effort to hold myself accountable for my To-Do List.   It was growing fangs (my To Do List, that is) over the weekend and all I wanted to do was sit on my back deck with a stack of magazines and enjoy the breezes.  But I battled through and with the help of My Teens we got quite a bit done.  Progress!! We spent a good bit of time taming the ivy that was taking over the front beds and providing … [Read more...]

The {Outdoor} To-Do List

I finally have a little lower key weekend ahead and it looks like the weather will cooperate this time!  Woo hoo!  I've been ready to get outside and get working on my outdoor spaces for weeks now, but the triumvirate of pollen, rain, and kid-tivities have been standing in the way.  And Lord knows, the weekdays are way too crazy busy to do anything more than a bit of list-making. Yesterday, I took 15 minutes and surveyed the front porch and … [Read more...]

Mom Cave Progress {Sneak Peek}

I haven't had many projects to share lately, but I have made lots of incremental progress on a few rooms in the house.  My Mom Cave is truly an evolution of a space, more than a year in the works.  Am I patient or what?? :-) Getting the paint done was huge progress. And very time consuming.  But I love it more every day.  The gray is Behr Silver Sateen, the cream is Porter Velvet White. Then I hung Inslee's art work... And got … [Read more...]