This ‘n That Monday

Oh my, friends… such goings on.  I wish I could say it’s all been good stuff, but unfortunately I’m in the midst of one of the most heartbreaking scenarios I’ve ever experienced.  I just last week submitted my resignation at school, effective at the end of the year.  I am deeply saddened, but God is in control here and I am embarking on my biggest walk of faith yet.  The stress has not been kind to me — my heart is racing most of the time, sleep is elusive, and I feel like an elephant is sitting on my chest.   I know this will all pass, but in the meantime, please pray for me?

I hope to be back to a more regular posting routine as things settle down and I can wrap my brain around projects and home decor.  I came across this image last week as I was working on a post for Mohawk Homescapes…

Senoia,Ga Idea House entry hallsource

I pretty much love every thing about this photo —  fresh winter decor.  Don’t you love it?

Wishing you a blessed week, friends!  Praying every day is better than the last.

heidi signature



  1. Kelly Palmer says

    Oh no, so sorry Heidi! I will definitely be praying for you! I know that it is difficult to see how God is going to work things out for our better sometimes, but know that He is always in control and has your best interests at heart. Much love and prayers being sent your way 🙂

  2. I think I have this picture pinned. I love it too!

  3. Prayers headed your way. Trust in your decision, He has you covered.

  4. Heidi…I am so sorry that you are going through this very stressful time. Thoughts and prayers are with you!!!…Love your winter inspiration photo!…Take care Heidi!!

  5. Oh Heidi, my heart is heavy. I will be sending you my good.

  6. hang in there. good things are waiting for you….i just know it.

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