Simple September Centerpiece

One of my favorite things about September is that it's not quite the end of summer and not quite fall yet.  This super simple centerpiece is inexpensive and celebrates the seasonal transition.What you need:Any glass bowl, though a footed glass bowl like my Ruffled Glass beauty from Willow House adds a bit of height (click here for ordering information).2-3 faux or fresh artichokes (these came from Target)1 bag Fuji apples ($3.99 @ … [Read more...]

Friday’s Favorite Product

This week I'm beginning a new feature called Friday's Favorite Product.  This will be a fun way for me to introduce you to my favorite new Willow House products, without putting you into Willow House overload.  Can you tell I'm excited about our new Fall catalog??  Not only will you get an image of the product along with pricing information, but I'll also provide you with some great ideas for decorating, entertaining, and/or … [Read more...]

Willow House Debut Party

I am the queen of keeping it simple when I entertain, but I always want my guests to feel special, too.  For my Willow House Debut Party,  I set up three zones.  My dining room became the bargain basement, where I was unloading gently used samples for $5, $10, or $15.  My kitchen was refreshment central while the breakfast area was a display of new Fall products.  Catalogs and order forms were in the family room where I … [Read more...]

Christmas in August

My new Willow House products arrived yesterday and I couldn't wait to tear into them!  All set for the Willow House Catalog Premiere Party tonight!  My head is swimming with ideas for these beauties.  What do you think?Click here to view the entire Fall catalog.Roxy Reindeer Accent TowelsJolly Holiday StockingBerry and Bow Door BucketHyacinth Measuring CupsPortico Accent PlatesWirework Treasure TrioPrism Glass OrnamentsSmall Lady … [Read more...]

Here’s Your Hook-Up!

The beginning of school is upon us and my thoughts always turn to ORGANIZATION.  I don't claim to be an expert or even proficient at organization, but I do a pretty fair job of keeping the household rolling in a somewhat orderly fashion.  The big question:  what to do with all the STUFF?  My favorite solution?  Hooks.  Plain and simple.  Perfect for sweaters or light jackets, backpacks, umbrellas, dog leashes, … [Read more...]

Fresh Looks for Fall Coming from Willow House

Ok, again, a shameless plug for my home-based business, formerly Southern Living at HOME, but I was taught to share and to keep this to myself would be selfish. :DMy new Willow House catalogs arrived a few days ago and I am thrilled to say they are AWESOME.  Lots of old favorites but some fresh new looks, too-- a great mix of the two, I think.  Couple of things I'm happy about:  lower price points on many of our old favorites, … [Read more...]