Touches of Fall Around the House

Happy Monday, friends!  Today I'm sharing some photos of the fall touches around my home...I rarely decorate for a season and leave it alone. :-)  Just can't do it.    So just know that because it looks this way right now, it may very well look different come Thanksgiving! I'm loving crotons this year...on the porch and inside.   And I told you those porch pumpkins wouldn't stay … [Read more...]

Some Front Porch Fall Touches

Whew, are we reeling from a fun NYC weekend!  We had amazing weather for most of it, and even the chilly drizzle on Sunday didn't dampen our fun.  I'll be sharing some pics later this week, but here' s sneak peek at one of our outings...     Before I left, I did a quick fall update to our front porch.  I loved the summer look so much, it took me  a while to get excited about changing it for fall, but I think I'm close to a  … [Read more...]

Shut The Front Door! {Going Bold}

Well, I did it.  It's been on my to-do list since last summer.  Actually longer than that!  I just didn't articulate it until last summer. :-)  See how I get around my to-do list being too monstrous?  Think about projects, just don't SAY they need to be done.  Ha! Anyway, I was stumped on a color.  I loved the look of black interior doors... Source: via Heidi on Pinterest   And of course, there is the … [Read more...]

Boo Y’all {Painted Porch Planter}

A few months ago, I scored a set of four painted distressed rectangular planters and I had an idea (or two) mulling around in my head.  They're lovely, but I thought how fun it would be to paint a different message on each of them to greet visitors that happen to come to my front door. Last weekend, I decided to tackle one with a fun fall message:  Boo Y'all. 'Cuz that's what we say here in Georgia. :) This one is a warm creamy color, … [Read more...]

My Fall Mantel

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend -- the FIRST weekend of fall!  I'm feeling it now... cool breezes, the angle of the sun has changed a bit, a handful of leaves beginning to change (and fall).  I even picked up a couple of (real) pumpkins at WalMart yesterday! Before I get to my fall mantel, I have to crow a bit about my DIY Mirrored Pumpkin feature over at Crafty Scrappy Happy's Happy Hour Features!   Go check it out and check out all the … [Read more...]

DIY Mirrored Pumpkin {Neutral Fall Table Details}

I'm so enjoying this touch of fall in my newly painted and decorated dining room! The traditional fall colors just wouldn't feel right in this space, so I broke out my white ceramic pumpkin I bought at Target several years ago, and a spray-painted dollar store pumpkin I shared last fall.  I added in some silk ivy on my silver footed tray and the French sheet music candles I made for Valentine's Day.  The vellum has a beautiful warm creamy … [Read more...]

Neutral Fall Tablescape

Whew, a busy weekend... tailgating in Athens and taking in the UGA game (Go Dawgs!).  If you follow me on Instagram (heidiopia), you were treated to all kinds of pics from the fun!  Thank goodness for a gorgeous late summer day... and tickets in the club level seating. :-) Sunday I finally got motivated to bring a little fall into my home and I created a neutral fall tablescape in the dining room. A girl's gotta start somewhere, … [Read more...]

DIY Stencil Drapes {Royal Design Studio Stencil Review}

Though it's hard to pick a favorite project in my Ugly Duckling dining room, I think the project that made the biggest difference in my space is my drapes... After living with simple blinds for soooo long, I was completely unprepared with how finished these drapes make my space feel! And this project had a ton of bang for the buck!  Here's how it came about... It all started when I went to Haven.   I was so thrilled to receive a … [Read more...]

DIY Pendant Light Fixture {Dining Room Details}

Achieving the overhead lighting I wanted for my Ugly Duckling Dining Room was by far the most challenging part of this room makeover.  This room used to a be "formal" living room and when I confiscated the beautiful bay windowed well-lit dining room to use for my Mom Cave, the dark "formal" space became our little-used dining room.  Alas, there is no wiring in the ceiling of this room for an overhead fixture. I had to get creative in order to … [Read more...]

The Home Tour

Hello, friends!  I'm immersed in wrangling teaching my new crop of 4 year olds this week.  This should be a year full of interesting challenges behaviorally and developmentally... please pray that I'll have the wisdom and patience to tackle what lies ahead! My relaxing beach weekend seems really far away now... Ah, such is life! But I've also spent a little time putting together the beginnings of a Home Tour for you!  I've added a … [Read more...]