DIY Mirrored Pumpkin {Neutral Fall Table Details}

I'm so enjoying this touch of fall in my newly painted and decorated dining room! The traditional fall colors just wouldn't feel right in this space, so I broke out my white ceramic pumpkin I bought at Target several years ago, and a spray-painted dollar store pumpkin I shared last fall.  I added in some silk ivy on my silver footed tray and the French sheet music candles I made for Valentine's Day.  The vellum has a beautiful warm creamy … [Read more...]

Neutral Fall Tablescape

Whew, a busy weekend... tailgating in Athens and taking in the UGA game (Go Dawgs!).  If you follow me on Instagram (heidiopia), you were treated to all kinds of pics from the fun!  Thank goodness for a gorgeous late summer day... and tickets in the club level seating. :-) Sunday I finally got motivated to bring a little fall into my home and I created a neutral fall tablescape in the dining room. A girl's gotta start somewhere, … [Read more...]

Embracing Fall…

It's tough to get on the pumpkin bandwagon when I'm still sporting bermuda shorts, flip flops, and sunscreen to the preschool.  This week we've a bit of relief from the heat and some gorgeous 80 degree days with breezes... that's how fall eases into the South, y'all.  And now I'm seeing Halloween posts and fall tablescapes all over blogland... and I STILL can't quite get there! I'm not seeing oranges or golds for my fall decorating this … [Read more...]

Whew… and What’s New at Willow House

Well, this school year is off to a very challenging start, gang!  I'm a tad overwhelmed with it all at the moment, but I'm sure things will shake out over the next few weeks.  One can always hope, right? Tomorrow I'll be sharing my DIY stencil drapes from my dining room, but today I wanted to show you what's new at Willow House this month... Some very versatile pieces for your fall decorating, or even gift-giving if you're that forward … [Read more...]

Not Quite There…

We're about two weeks into our school year already.  And I'm knee deep in this... and brainstorming bulletin board ideas, organizing my classroom and in general getting ready for the arrival of a new crop of Little Ones. Oh, and trying desperately to finish my Ugly Duckling dining room to share with y'all on Monday!  Did you catch a glimpse of what I was working on yesterday afternoon? If you follow me on Twitter (@heidimilton) or … [Read more...]

1000 Gifts…

Have you read it?  1000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp?  If not, this needs to be on your "to be read" list... it's life changing in all the best ways. It's truly the season to count our blessings.  Today, I'm guest posting over at Fancy Little Things.  Hope to see you there. :)   … [Read more...]

This ‘n That Monday

I'm in mid-stream on a few projects right now, plus the beginning stages of holiday prep-college kid plus a boomerang stepson coming home for Thanksgiving.  Ever feel like you have a few hundred balls in the air? :)  Good thing they're happy balls! Since I don't have much to share today, how about a little this 'n that? First of all, on Friday I had the ENORMOUS pleasure of meeting Charity of The Heartfelt Home IRL!  Charity won my Holiday … [Read more...]

Gratitude Tree {Easy Fall DIY}

How about a super simple DIY decor project you can rock for little to no money? I've seen these trees in several places around blogland (most recently by Cassie at Hi, Sugarplum!).  They're usually called "Thankful trees," but I've done gratitude "exercises" with my preschoolers for years, and this seemed the perfect fit from the day I first spotted it. Earlier this week, I brought in a flower bucket full of branches out of my yard.   You … [Read more...]

Fall Porch and a GIVEAWAY!

Hi gang!  I'm lovin' my new space here at Decor & More, so thought a celebration was in order!  But first, I have to share my fall porch before Halloween has come and gone and we're hanging Christmas garlands. :) Sorry for the afternoon sun-- I can only photograph after work! Keeping it somewhat simple this year... A couple of Home Depot mums, Home Depot crotons (on sale!), one large cabbage... A couple of Cinderella … [Read more...]

Easy Peasy Burlap Runner {DIY}

I've been up to my elbows in the beast of a paint job that is my Mom Cave all weekend.   For a while there, I thought I'd bitten off more than I can chew -- all the picture moldings, chair rail, plus the dark purple paint... it's been quite the project!  But, man, is it looking good!!  Can't wait to show you soon... In the meantime, I thought I'd share my easy tutorial on the burlap runner from my Fall tablescape. I picked up a yard … [Read more...]