Hump Daaa--ayy! Hope your week has been going well, friends! I'm working my little tail off getting ready for our Legacy Benefit Dinner on Friday, but I couldn't wait any longer to share my newly refreshed laundry room. It's truly amazing how simple changes can make a big difference! Confession: this project took longer than we thought it would. My house is 30+ years old and so lots of little things revealed themselves when we dug into … [Read more...]
Laundry Room Refresh: the Reveal
Hallway Laundry Room Inspiration

Well, we're immersed in getting our little laundry room refreshed... amazing what some fresh paint will do, right? If you've been following on Instagram you've seen some progress! But today I thought I'd share a bit of inspiration I've been collecting for this space for... well, quite a while now. Like I said, this project has been a home goal for 3 years running. #yikes Just for reference, here's where we've started... I would … [Read more...]
Project Sneak Peek: Laundry Room Refresh

Hi there! I hope you're enjoying your week so far. It's been nice to be out of school so I can tackle some of these refresh projects we need to do to get the house ready to sell. Ever wonder why we wait until we're ready to sell to get these things done??? Yesterday I jump-started the laundry room refresh that has been loooonnnnggg overdue. If you follow me on Instagram you know I purged the cabinets and cleaned it up a couple of weekends … [Read more...]
Home Goals 2013 {Finally!}

Ok, I know January is almost over, but it took me several weeks to really refine my home goals. And they're not really refined. I'm afraid I've set some lofty goals for the home, but maybe this will be my year to get a lot accomplished. :-) Knowing me, there will be a fair amount of DIY and other decor distractions along the way, so we'll see! And here they are, in no particular order... Add drapes to the family room … [Read more...]
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