August’s Favorite Things

Yowza, it's so hard to believe we are rocking into SEPTEMBER!  A whole new crop of Little Ones to acclimate, new routines for my high schoolers, new football season, new goals for a successful school year.  But with all of that comes a whole lotta time constraints.  So if my visiting and commenting on blogs drops off a bit and I may have to post a little less, just know that I'm still here... still writing, DIY'ing as best I can, and reading as … [Read more...]

Inspiring Blogger Interview: Linda from It All Started With Paint

It's back!  My Inspiring Blogger series resumes today with one of my favorite new bloggy friends, Linda from It All Started With Paint.  Sometimes you get connected with someone online and you just know you'd be friends IRL.  That's how I feel about Linda!  She's funny, enormously talented with a paint brush and drop cloths, but she's also REAL.   See for yourself!!  Here's Linda... How did you get started blogging? Let’s just … [Read more...]

Not Quite There…

We're about two weeks into our school year already.  And I'm knee deep in this... and brainstorming bulletin board ideas, organizing my classroom and in general getting ready for the arrival of a new crop of Little Ones. Oh, and trying desperately to finish my Ugly Duckling dining room to share with y'all on Monday!  Did you catch a glimpse of what I was working on yesterday afternoon? If you follow me on Twitter (@heidimilton) or … [Read more...]

Painted Lady {Inspiration for the Secretary}

Monday already?  We had a busy weekend around here and I continued to press on with my Ugly Duckling dining room projects... slowly.  Lots of interruptions and a few stops and starts, but slow and steady wins the race!  I'll be so excited to share the reveal here next Monday! The light fixture is hung.  The mirror is in place.  But the biggest project I tackled was painting my aunt's secretary. Here she is before... it's been the home … [Read more...]

Thursday Treasure Seeking

Hey there, friends! Today you'll find me at Fancy Little Things continuing our conversation about treasures in our homes... Pop over and weigh in on what you consider YOUR treasures in your home! I'll be back tomorrow... HOPING I have a dining room lighting update for you!! Enjoy your day... … [Read more...]

An {in}spired Finishing Touch (Front Porch Makeover)

I'm a self-professed 90% girl when it comes to projects.  I have a tendancy to get a home project or room makeover about 90% complete and then I either run out of steam or get distracted by some other project I'm longing to get started on.  One of my goals for this year was to finish what I start and I'm so proud to say I have completed my front porch summer makeover.  I mean, it's only July 25th, right? :-) This is one of those posts where … [Read more...]

I Can’t Resist… this East Hampton Cottage

You all know I'm a shelter mag junkie and I'm sure many of you are as well.  One of my favorite inspirations for sophisticated design inspiration is Traditional Home and the July/August issue did not disappoint.  While I was trying not to throw up laid up with that stomach bug last week, I had a chance to dig into my copy and immediately fell in love with the East Hampton cottage of Patricia and Jeffrey Fisher. Does this speak to … [Read more...]

Creating a Peaceful Spot

Howdy!  I'm still digging out from a from a fun-filled few days with my parents, niece and nephews. We had a blast and now the catch up begins! Today I'm at Fancy Little Things sharing inspiration for creating a restful place in your home. I feel like I could use this about now!  Pop over and check out my inspiration photos... you may want to curl up in one of them. :) Back tomorrow to show off my grandmother's watercolors in their … [Read more...]

The Quest for Lighting {Ugly Duckling Dining Room}

Did you realize there is no ceiling light fixture in my ugly duckling dining room? Several years ago, I had an electrician look at this problem and we discovered there is no wiring in the ceiling of this room.  It used to be a little-used living room before it was designated as my dining room, and apparently the builder (back in 1986) didn't think any overhead lighting was necessary.  Clearly a man, no? The long and short of it was that … [Read more...]

Happy 4th of July!

Dear Friends, Hoping you're sharing the day with family and friends, celebrating the wonderful land of freedom in which we live!  Even Junky my junkyard dog is in the spirit! Happy 4th of July and let freedom ring! … [Read more...]