It all started with this... Fabulous blue houndstooth gift wrap. I knew it would turn up in my guest room makeover, but I wasn't sure how at first. Then I found the perfect way to inject some modern into my vintage-y guest room when I spotted some plain little 'ole lamp shades at Target. The price was right at $8 each, but this look just wasn't cutting the mustard. Gift wrap to the rescue! Simplest DIY ever. Step … [Read more...]
Easy Photo Graduation Decorations
Yay for summertime! We made it through the big graduation weekend and are now enjoying a few lazy days. :) Our family and friends really enjoyed our celebration, so I wanted to share a few more graduation decoration ideas -- and these were easy to pull together quickly using photos I had on hand! I reused an idea from my daughter's graduation that I shared here using a plate. For the ribbon I used a wire-edged burlap ribbon (a … [Read more...]
Guest Room Reveal (Everything but the drapes…)
Anyone got a fire extinguisher handy?? I could swear my hair is on fire, the way I've been running like a crazy person! Today will be a short post -- and probably the only post of the week due to work and my son's graduation with an onslaught of grandparents, aunts, and boomerang kiddos. I promise I'll share more photos with you soon, along with sources, DIYs, and the whole nine yards, but for today, here's a peek at my guest room that is … [Read more...]
3 Simple (and Inexpensive) Graduation Decorations
Graduations are brutal on the budget! I've been through a few and in preparation for my son's graduation in 9 short days, I revisited the decorations I made on a dime for my daughter's graduation two years ago. In doing so, I thought I'd share them in case some of you are in the same boat I am! Old Time Pottery, WalMart, and Target were my best friend as I pulled these together! Our high school colors are black and gold, so check out … [Read more...]
Thinking Wall Decor {for the Guest Room}
Trucking right along! I'm drilling down on bedding for the guest room, using some basics I already have and filling in the gaps as economically as possible. Fun! Especially since it involved a trip to HomeGoods, armed with a 2 gift cards I've been hoarding for a while. I picked up a few things for the beds, but also found these... My wheels have been turning about the wall decor for this room and I'm planning on using a few things … [Read more...]
Spring Mantel Tweaks… I Couldn’t Resist
Howdy hoo, y'all -- another busy week rocking and rolling around here! So far this week we've celebrated two birthdays in my preschool class, Earth Day plus caterpillars (!), and then yesterday a puppet show. I'm whipped by 2pm every day! I'm still working away on the guest room, but I took a few minutes to freshen up my spring mantel since Easter is now behind us... It all started with a quick trip to "Junk Day" at the Woodstock … [Read more...]
Guest Room Progress: The Beds
Woo hoo!! The twin beds are done and I'm so pleased with how they turned out! If you remember, I had done two coats of a white wash using Annie Sloan Old White and the finish was still too faint. I was striving for that balance of white tone but with some of the wood grain showing through. On my third try, I made the white wash with a heavier dose of paint and let it sit for a minute before wiping it off. Success! I ended up with this … [Read more...]
I Can’t Resist: Threshold Thursday
Hey there, friends... I had every intention of posting more guest room progress this week, but... Ah the joys of high school sports! Your weekday evenings are not your own. :) Truthfully, though, it's been a blast watching him work so hard, improve his skills, have some fun and finish their season undefeated (My boy scored the final goal!). And not only do we have a team of good players (REALLY good players), we also have a … [Read more...]
Guest Room Update and a Spring Break Recap
I always underestimate the amount of time it takes to paint a room! I tend to conveniently forget how much time it takes to spackle holes, sand rough places, touch up and/or tape off trim... you know -- the prep work. Ugh. And let's just say that prepping what was a formerly teenage space for painting is no picnic. I won't get into details, but let's just say evidence of pocket knife abuse was discovered, along with an overloaded wall shelf … [Read more...]
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