Hi, gang! Back from Haven and an "official" Haven Maven now. :-) Seriously? It was completely and totally awesome. I learned so many things blog-related and was so inspired by everyone I came in contact with! I was on a complete and total high when I rolled in Friday evening. Now I'm wishing I'd taken a picture of my household (and it's disarray) at that point, but I was so energized and excited I didn't even care. John and Sherry … [Read more...]
Rainy Monday…
It's a rainy Monday in Georgia and I'm digging out from under a fabulous weekend at the lake with my husband. :-) Nice problem to have, no? I have some fun posts coming your way about life at the lake and today you get a sneak peek. I also got a little motivated when I downloaded all my photos to give PicMonkey a try. The collages are a great way to share LOTS of photos (and I have LOTS to share!). Back with more tomorrow! … [Read more...]
Inspiring Blogger Interview: Elizabeth from The Mustard Ceiling
Well, the hubs and I are off to a golf tournament in Eufala, AL today. My plan is just to ride along in the golf cart, since I'm a total novice and am really just going to support him. And have some fun. With the country club set. Should be interesting! But I am so thrilled to share my next Inspiring Blogger Interview with you today! I've been a fan of The Mustard Ceiling for over a year and just love the variety Elizabeth brings to her … [Read more...]
May’s Favorite Things
I seriously did not think I would make it through May. I fully intended to roll through the month with a few outdoor projects I could share here and at The Great Outdoors linky party and with my sanity intact. But here I sit, brain-dead, in a very dirty, messy house, recovering from a brutal chest cold that kicked my hiney the last week of school, with nothing to show but a few of my favorites and a To Do List for June. Sorry, folks! Life … [Read more...]
Happy Memorial Day!
Hope you're enjoying the weekend! Remember to thank a soldier or sailor. See you soon with more outdoor projects! … [Read more...]
Shopping on Saturday & Some Thrifty Finds
We had a gangbusters weekend around here, working on my To-Do List, celebrating a few graduations, church, and prepping for my last week with the Little Ones. Whew! But I managed to squeeze in a quick trip to the Junk Day at Woodstock Antique Market on a quest for things for the booth and a fly-by of one of my favorite home decor stores, Casabella's. It was for sure a case of "the early bird gets the worm" at Junk Day... Those frames … [Read more...]
April’s Favorite Things
Can you believe April has come and almost gone? Time just keeps ticking away... I confess I'm looking forward to the end of school for myself and my kids (though I will miss my Little Ones terribly!). We're ready for some down time around here! It's been a difficult month for us, but I spent some time over the weekend thinking about all the things I loved about April. A great exercise during hard times... 1. My … [Read more...]
Passing It On…
Hi gang! Today I'm posting over at Fancy Little Things about "green decorating" so I hope you'll pop over and say hello! Remember this? Well, I bundled with love the second canvas from KariAnne... And sent it across the country to a gal who has blessed me immeasurably in the past year. I "met" her almost exactly a year ago when she won a Willow House giveaway on my blog. We struck up an online friendship and she invited me … [Read more...]
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