Let’s Chip It!

Nothing like a deadline and out-of-town company coming to get your rear in gear on a big project, right? Yep, I'm in the midst of painting my dining room.  Because y'all get an update on my Blogging Without Borders project on Monday, so I had to have SOME progress to show you. :)  And my parents, niece, and nephews are arriving Saturday, so it was time to get it rocking so I could have things reasonably put back before they arrive (and … [Read more...]

Looky What I Found {Antique Map of the South}

Well, I'm still sorting out all the great information I got at Haven and having fun visiting the blogs of the ladies I met -- so much talent out there in the blogosphere!  But a busy household waits for no one, so I'm getting hardly anything a few things done around here, too. And I was thrilled when my latest purchase from Decor Steals (formerly WUSLU) showed up on my doorstep! I love maps.  They just speak of journeys and memories.  … [Read more...]

Front Porch Progress!

It feels so good to share progress on a project!!  I'm close to wrapping up my front porch freshening (or "freshly" as my friend KariAnne would say), so I thought I'd show you what I've done.  If you missed the before, click here.  This is a lesson in how small changes make a big difference! I've added fresh mulch to the beds where I planted my little drifting roses...   Those little roses are so happy now, they're covered … [Read more...]

True Blue {Flea Market Find}

She had me at "hello." I knew exactly what I wanted to do with her.  And where I wanted her to go.  I even envisioned a vibrant color. Source: alittlebitoshizzle.blogspot.com via Heidi on Pinterest   And I had an inspiration photo (thank you, Pinterest!). And that is how this $2 girl went from this... Are you ready? Are you sure you're ready? Are you really, really ready??? For this... I am … [Read more...]

Sheet Music Canvases… the Pass It On Project

I teased y'all the other day with my Pass It On Project. :-) It evolved over time and provided a little creative therapy for me in the process. I've been wanting to do a sheet music project for quite some time -- and have probably pinned a dozen or so to try.  About a year ago, I scored two books of vintage sheet music from Woodstock Antiques and this project seemed the perfect one to use a bit of it. Sheet music is both graphic and … [Read more...]

Goodwill Chair + Chalk Paint

So excited to share this little furniture makeover with you!  Remember this chair I scored at Goodwill for $1.50? Sorry for the blurry iPhone picture, but you get the gist, right? Well, after some tlc, Annie Sloan Old White and clear wax... Isn't she a cutie now?  All decked out in her Old Time Pottery fabric and chalk paint? A little distressing, some waxing... I have to say, the lipstick on this pig did the … [Read more...]

A Kitchen Preview and Something Cool

I've officially lost my mind when I decide to repaint my kitchen during my week off.  The week when I'm all alone and could be antiquing, reading, lounging on my back deck, chatting on the phone with friends, starting happy hour at 5 sharp.  You know -- vacation???  But instead, I got the grandiose notion that this was the perfect time for me to repaint the kitchen. Granted, the Tuscan gold is 12 years old.  And the woodwork is all dinged … [Read more...]

Easy Peasy Lamp Shade {How To}

I am loving my new lamp and lamp shade combo in my Mom Cave...er, home office. :)  I know I have to share the space with the other four peeps in my household, but it's slowly evolving into more "mine" than "theirs."  Thoughts? Anyhoo, the lamp shade I revealed over the weekend was a super easy project that makes a big impact when you walk into the space. Start to finish, I spent about 50 minutes on this.  And maybe $5 tops.  The lamp … [Read more...]