Newbies for the Booth {Driveway Painting Session}

A couple of weeks ago, I took advantage of a "bye" weekend and set up shop in my driveway to get a few new pieces painted for my booth.  It was a long day, but a productive one! I scored this table at an outdoor flea market and new she had Annie Sloan Old White written all over her! One of these days, I'll get better at doing the "money shots" for these pieces! This Goodwill find was languishing in my garage... but I had … [Read more...]

Shut The Front Door! {Going Bold}

Well, I did it.  It's been on my to-do list since last summer.  Actually longer than that!  I just didn't articulate it until last summer. :-)  See how I get around my to-do list being too monstrous?  Think about projects, just don't SAY they need to be done.  Ha! Anyway, I was stumped on a color.  I loved the look of black interior doors... Source: via Heidi on Pinterest   And of course, there is the … [Read more...]

Boo Y’all {Painted Porch Planter}

A few months ago, I scored a set of four painted distressed rectangular planters and I had an idea (or two) mulling around in my head.  They're lovely, but I thought how fun it would be to paint a different message on each of them to greet visitors that happen to come to my front door. Last weekend, I decided to tackle one with a fun fall message:  Boo Y'all. 'Cuz that's what we say here in Georgia. :) This one is a warm creamy color, … [Read more...]

This ‘n That Friday

What a week.  All I can say is T.G.I.F.  My Little Crazies at school have been exactly that -- CRAZY.  I'm not sure what it is about this group, but my assistant and I have had a hard time reining them in.  Makes for some very loooooong days and a lot of evenings of being completely spent and brain-dead.  Not good for creative juices!  It's pretty clear most of my creativity will have to happen on the weekends this year! This weekend I'm … [Read more...]

DIY Mirrored Pumpkin {Neutral Fall Table Details}

I'm so enjoying this touch of fall in my newly painted and decorated dining room! The traditional fall colors just wouldn't feel right in this space, so I broke out my white ceramic pumpkin I bought at Target several years ago, and a spray-painted dollar store pumpkin I shared last fall.  I added in some silk ivy on my silver footed tray and the French sheet music candles I made for Valentine's Day.  The vellum has a beautiful warm creamy … [Read more...]

Chalk Paint Secretary {Dining Room Details}

Oh, how I agonized.  What color to paint, and HOW to paint this beauty... an antique secretary that belonged to my aunt back in her girlhood.  I've had the piece for over 20 years and it was time for some TLC and a makeover so she could really shine!  Annie Sloan Chalk Paint to the rescue! I finally had to bite the bullet and start painting. :)  And ended up with this...   A custom paint color of Annie Sloan Paris Gray … [Read more...]

Painted Lady {Inspiration for the Secretary}

Monday already?  We had a busy weekend around here and I continued to press on with my Ugly Duckling dining room projects... slowly.  Lots of interruptions and a few stops and starts, but slow and steady wins the race!  I'll be so excited to share the reveal here next Monday! The light fixture is hung.  The mirror is in place.  But the biggest project I tackled was painting my aunt's secretary. Here she is before... it's been the home … [Read more...]

I Can’t Resist…An Occasional Chair

There's just something about a simple chair.  An "occasional" chair that by design and definition is a versatile furnishing in your home. I was looking through some vignettes I've pinned over the last several months and a common theme emerged...   Source: via Heidi on Pinterest Source: via Heidi on Pinterest Source: via Heidi on … [Read more...]

Ugly Duckling Dining Room {Bloggers Without Borders}

Ahhhh.  Amazing what a fresh paint color will do! As promised, here's my progress on my Bloggers Without Borders project, my Ugly Duckling Dining room... This was in the midst of the chaos-- forgive the blur, I was a little weak from that dad gum stomach bug. :-) The paint color is Behr's Silver Sateen, the same color I used in my Mom Cave (which is adjacent).  And because just painting isn't enough, I decided to reconfigure the … [Read more...]

Thrift Store Frames Revamp {Chalk Paint}

I'm alive but functioning at about 50% -- not good when you have a dining room in total disarray and company on the way!  I've put my indentured servants teenagers to work helping clean and fluff for the grandparents... times like this I love having older kids!  Thank you for your well wishes yesterday - I so needed your words of encouragement. I was hoping to share a fully completed project today using these thrift store frames, but I'm … [Read more...]