Thrifty Find Stencil Makeover

Howdy!  We're still socked in with gray skies and SNOW FLURRIES here in Atlanta, but I've got a thrifty find makeover that has me ready for spring -- and I think it took about 10 minutes tops! This was one of my February DIYs that had been waiting since about November, when I scored this wooden handled bin at the thrift store for a couple of dollars.   I used it in my booth through the holidays to hold books and holiday … [Read more...]

Easy DIY Typography Planter (“Howdy!)

TGIF, friends!  And Happy March to you! Today I'm sharing a super easy project.  My favorite project from my Silent Auction home decor array is this planter. It just makes me happy.  It's friendly.  Now there's an adjective you don't hear much any more!  But this little 'ole planter... she's friendly. So I thought I'd be a good neighbor and share this project.  No rocket science involved. :)   Since I was using what I … [Read more...]

Elephant Glam

Happy Monday, friends!  Whew -- what HAPPENED to the weekend??  Seems like I blinked and it was gone... BUT I finished up several projects I'll be sharing with y'all soon.  Woo hoo! Throughout the week I was working on a silent auction item for my youngest son's youth group.  They're fundraising for their pilgrimage to Spain and Portugal this July (jealous much?).  So I put together a fun spring home decor arrangement... Remember my No … [Read more...]

It’s the Armoire’s Fault… Among Other Things

Well, you know what they say about the road to you-know-where... I had high hopes in the DIY department.  I mean REALLY high hopes.  I had a holiday weekend staring me in the face, with the hubs out of town, and DIY supplies galore at my fingertips. And then the armoire sold. This mac daddy armoire in my booth space. And then a couple of hours later, this bench sold... And there were big gaping holes in my booth. So I … [Read more...]

A New Fave {Antibes Green}

Happy Monday, friends!  It's stormy and rainy here in Atlanta, so I've got something to brighten your day.  I've been itching to try Annie Sloan's Antibes green for weeks.  I finally realized I had the perfect small piece right under my nose, just waiting to become a pop of glorious color. Don't you love it when that happens? I scored this little chair for $4 when I bought the matching dresser for $25.  The dresser became the French Linen … [Read more...]

Seeing Green

In honor of my No Spend Month I'd thought I'd touch on the Pantone color of the year... emerald green!  After all it's the color of money, no? ;-) It was catching my eye back in December when I fell prey to this lovely in the aisles of Target. In my defense, my kitchen rug was literally falling apart and I knew a beautiful antique rug wasn't going to be in my budget for quite some time.  But $17.99?  THAT I could do.  By the way, these … [Read more...]

Happy February and French Linen Lovely

Well, we're experiencing some technical difficulties with our Inspiring Blogger Interview, so I'll bring that to you as soon as everything is resolved.  :-P  Hate it when modern technology doesn't cooperate don't you?  Maybe the fact that yesterday was National Backwards Day (did you know??) has something to do with it! As a Friday "happy," I have the honor today of being a Featured Blogger over at Fancy Little Things today!  I was a regular … [Read more...]

Home Goals 2013 {Finally!}

Ok, I know January is almost over, but it took me several weeks to really refine my home goals.  And they're not really refined.  I'm afraid I've set some lofty goals for the home, but maybe this will be my year to get a lot accomplished. :-)   Knowing me, there will be a fair amount of DIY and other decor distractions along the way, so we'll see! And here they are, in no particular order... Add drapes to the family room … [Read more...]

How’d I do? Home Goals for 2012…

I had some ambitious home goals for 2012... I actually chuckled when I looked back at this post!  They were lofty for sure, but I think I did pretty well... I'll let YOU be the judge! 2012 Goal #1:  Finish the Mom Cave. Well, I got close. And over all I'm pleased... The final projects will be detailed in my goals for 2013... coming SOON! 2012 Home Goal #2: Finish refreshing the family room. Again, I'm … [Read more...]

Gift Wrap Ideas… Just in case :)

Hey there... I'm jetting off to NYC with my daughter for a GIRLS' WEEKEND with my her and my  BFF today!  Is there anything better during the Christmas season?  I'll be sure to share some pics and if you follow me on Instagram (heidiopia), I'm sure you'll see a few, too. :) This week I've been wrapping gifts like a crazy woman.  All of my family is in Texas or Arizona, so the gifts had to go out this week and I was a busy beaver wrapping and … [Read more...]