Spring Mantel Sneak Peek and a GIVEAWAY!

*This giveaway is now closed and the winner has been announced here.*   I don't care that it's only 48 degrees outside -- I'm putting up my spring mantel!  It's still in process, but here's a little sneak peek... You knew I'd work some silver in, right? ;-) I spent most of the weekend still catching up from our trip (paying bills, organizing tax information, laundry) and spending time with the boys but I did squeeze just a … [Read more...]

Spring Decor Silent Auction Item (Meeting My No Spend Challenge)

My youngest son is fundraising for an upcoming pilgrimage to Spain and Portugal with his church youth group.  This is my third pilgrimage in the last five years, so I'm experiencing a little fundraising burnout. Nonetheless, when they decided to do a silent auction and wine tasting this spring to help top off their funds, I agreed to contribute something for the auction, of course.  The hubs and I will be on our Caribbean junket at the time of … [Read more...]

Looking Back (a 2012 Review)

Looking back is not my strong suit.  :)  I'm a proponent of moving on, pressing ahead, not looking back.  But 2012 was a year of growth and change for Decor & More, and many of you are new around here...so I think it's fitting that I do a little review of last year's projects and progress. In January, I did a little thrifting, some organization, and added some art work to my Mom Cave.  I also created this easy little moss … [Read more...]

DIY Sheet Music Tree {and a little of this ‘n that…}

It was quite the birthday weekend for the hubs up at the lake, and now, of course, I'm feeling behind the eight ball just a bit!  My daughter and I take off for NYC right after school on Thursday, so all my to-dos for the next several days need to be checked off by the time I leave for work on Thursday morning... yikes! Anyhow, over Thanksgiving I worked on this little sheet music project and thought I'd share it with you along with a peek at … [Read more...]

Christmas in the Family Room

Hello, friends, and Happy Friday!  Today I am shopping with 13 Little Crazies at our schools Winter Wonderland Gift Shop... this is what I call a mixed blessing!  I will be utterly wrung out by 2pm, but this day always blesses my heart and feeds my Christmas spirit somehow.  I'll share a few pics next week.  The hubs and I are headed immediately afterward to the lake to celebrate his 54th birthday with good friends, a lot of food, fires in the … [Read more...]

I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing {DIY Music Wreath}

Well, it's true that I have not put up one single decoration in my home (gah!), but I HAVE been working on things for the booth, as you know.  :) Last night I was busy fluffing and loading in some new pieces and now it's ready for a holiday shopping weekend.  One of the items I added is this guy.  I love to create wreaths and this idea had been rolling around in my head for several weeks... I love sheet music and it's been the crafting … [Read more...]

Mod Podge Christmas Canvas

Happy Cyber Monday, friends!  If you're shopping online today, just a reminder to check out my Willow House site for sale items and Dancing Zebras Etsy shop for her wonderful holiday gift ideas! Today, I'm sharing a sweet and simple project I knocked out to get my Christmas crafting mojo flowing!   This began as an experiment, but I loved the results so much, I did a few extra to pop into my booth and give as Christmas gifts.  … [Read more...]

Inspiration for your Thanksgiving Table…

  Thanksgiving week is here!  The shopping lists are being compiled and hopefully the baking has begun... time to celebrate family, friends, and blessings.  If you've waited until now to plan your table scape, don't fear!  The best inspiration this time of year can be found in Mother Nature herself...  look what I've compiled to get your creative juices flowing!   Source: savvysouthernstyle.net via Heidi on … [Read more...]

Friday Happy: Catalog Finds {Ballard Designs} & a Little Giveaway

Confession:  I'm ready to decorate for Christmas. Maybe it's because I've got some Christmas things I've been working on for the booth.  Or maybe it's the cold mornings and fires in the fireplace.  Or the fact that gingerbread lattes have finally arrived at Starbucks??! Either way, I know my family will revolt if I break out the Christmas tree and decorate the mantel right now, so I'm holding off. So today, we'll go surfing through the … [Read more...]

Touches of Fall Around the House

Happy Monday, friends!  Today I'm sharing some photos of the fall touches around my home...I rarely decorate for a season and leave it alone. :-)  Just can't do it.    So just know that because it looks this way right now, it may very well look different come Thanksgiving! I'm loving crotons this year...on the porch and inside.   And I told you those porch pumpkins wouldn't stay … [Read more...]