Fall in the Family Room

Is it already Monday?  The weekend just flew by, but we got some amazing family time celebrating my mother-in-law's 80th birthday... how cute is she? I hope I look half that good at 80!  It was a fun weekend, and my boy even achieved a hat trick in his soccer game -- winning weekend for the Miltons! Today I'm sharing my fall decor in the family room.  After painting several pumpkins and adding them to  some I spraypainted a couple of … [Read more...]

Fall in the Foyer

Finally Friday!  I had two glorious furlough days early in the week and it was great to catch up on a few things around the house and put some finishing touches on my fall decor.   I sure do love to have a day or two to just piddle around the house every so often... :)  We've got a super busy weekend ahead celebrating my MIL's 80th birthday, a houseful of guests, soccer games, and other to-do's, but the weather will be awesome and we intend to … [Read more...]

October Thoughts and September in Review

Ah, at last... October!  Cooler days, chilly evenings, the ever-so-slow turning of the leaves here in the South... I am so ready for the pause that is October.  August and September are the hectic back-to-school scurry and adjustments.  November is the steady uptick in the schedule and way-too-soon holiday prep.  But October? Maybe because August and September have left me wrung out and a bit broken, but October feels like a chance to … [Read more...]

The Mom Cave {Home Tour}

Happy Friday!  This week I shared a post at Mohawk Homescapes about a room of one's own (don't we all need one?).   It was the perfect opportunity for me to update photos of my Mom Cave, so I thought I'd share with you all today.  This space went from crowded/chaotic Grand Central Station home office to my personal oasis that I occasionally share. :) And this would be my husband's little space for when he's working … [Read more...]

Fall Mantel, a Winner, and an {in}Mercy Update

Happy Wednesday... the first of fall!  I have to confess, I was uber-ready to welcome fall this year by getting my decorating on.  Much as I loved my summer mantel with its killer burlap flag bunting, I am ready to think crisp mornings, breezy leaf-drifting days, and pumpkins! And, oo la la, I love it so! The leaves haven't begun changing yet here, but I'm loving the Japanese Maple clippings in my demijohns.  It will be fun to refresh … [Read more...]

In Case You Missed it {August}

Y'all.  Whew.  Things have been crazy.  And I don't mean just busy... I mean some tough tests swirling around me these days.  I'm sorry I've been a little MIA, but I've done my best to juggle work and family obligations and struggles along with this space, and something had to give for a bit.  I'm having a hard time carving out a quiet space in my mind to tackle projects and share them here.  I'm hoping this fog of negativity lifts soon and I can … [Read more...]

House Tour: My Foyer (for now!)

Earlier in the summer when I photographed my family room for my Home Tour, I snapped a few pics of my foyer at the same time.  With so many gloomy rainy days, it was a challenge to get a day of decent lighting, so I seized my moment!   I'm sharing them today, even though they're not the best quality.  Think it's time for a better camera and maybe a photography lesson or two? :)  I'll be adding to these as lighting and photography savvy … [Read more...]

In Case You Missed It (July)

This is just shameful.  Past the mid-point of August and I'm just now reviewing July???  Welcome to my chaos, friends! :-)  I have to confess, though, that the past weeks of back-to-school nuttiness has me pondering a new project here on the blog.  Details to come soon!  Thank you for all the kind comments about my daughter's "new" furniture, too -- always love a good furniture redemption! Anyway, I looked back at July and it was full of good … [Read more...]

DIY Jute Clay Pot Wreath

Happy Hump Day, y'all!  We're still battling rain showers here daily, so my paint projects are lagging as they have all summer... ugh!  I know there are parts of the world that are parched, so I hate to complain, but it's become too much of a good thing this summer.  But the silver lining is that I've been able to complete a few "rainy day projects"! Like this wreath... This is such an easy DIY, but I love it for summertime and it would … [Read more...]

It’s the Little Things (and NYC Recap)

The weekend already?  Jeez, time flies in the summertime... Thursday I journeyed down IKEA with my daughter to do some apartment shopping for her.   That place never ceases to amaze me, and I shopped IKEA in Northern Virginia back in 1989 for MY first apartment!  It was pretty cool then and it's even more so now... so of course I picked up a few little things for me, too. :) Like this $4 pillow cover for an insert I already … [Read more...]