Today I'm headed to Athens to see my daughter, but I owe you a new project announcement, right? I love new projects. And I'm so happy to have Spring Break next week to jump start this one! I can't believe I'm showing you this sad sad space. Let me explain before you start hating on me! This used to be my older son's room. Last summer, he moved into my daughter's (much larger) old room after SHE decided to move downstairs into my … [Read more...]
A February Challenge
Hi gang! Hope you had a lovely weekend. We enjoyed some nice cold weather here (and you know I like that!) but had some sunshine along with it. Winning! If you missed my interview with Laura from Top This Top That, click here to be totally inspired today! Last week, I mentioned that February was to be a month of DIYs. I didn't do many in January... too busy on the home front. But February is looking good for one big reason. I hereby … [Read more...]
Happy February and French Linen Lovely
Well, we're experiencing some technical difficulties with our Inspiring Blogger Interview, so I'll bring that to you as soon as everything is resolved. :-P Hate it when modern technology doesn't cooperate don't you? Maybe the fact that yesterday was National Backwards Day (did you know??) has something to do with it! As a Friday "happy," I have the honor today of being a Featured Blogger over at Fancy Little Things today! I was a regular … [Read more...]
How’d I do? Home Goals for 2012…
I had some ambitious home goals for 2012... I actually chuckled when I looked back at this post! They were lofty for sure, but I think I did pretty well... I'll let YOU be the judge! 2012 Goal #1: Finish the Mom Cave. Well, I got close. And over all I'm pleased... The final projects will be detailed in my goals for 2013... coming SOON! 2012 Home Goal #2: Finish refreshing the family room. Again, I'm … [Read more...]
From Our Home to Yours… Merry Christmas
Dear friends, my preparations are finished... come on in. Into my foyer... Then peek into my dining room... Then pop into my kitchen... Into the family room... where our blended family stockings are hung... Where we added an ornament from our NYC trip... and one in memory of sweet Kaely, whom we lost in … [Read more...]
DIY Sheet Music Tree {and a little of this ‘n that…}
It was quite the birthday weekend for the hubs up at the lake, and now, of course, I'm feeling behind the eight ball just a bit! My daughter and I take off for NYC right after school on Thursday, so all my to-dos for the next several days need to be checked off by the time I leave for work on Thursday morning... yikes! Anyhow, over Thanksgiving I worked on this little sheet music project and thought I'd share it with you along with a peek at … [Read more...]
Christmas in the Family Room
Hello, friends, and Happy Friday! Today I am shopping with 13 Little Crazies at our schools Winter Wonderland Gift Shop... this is what I call a mixed blessing! I will be utterly wrung out by 2pm, but this day always blesses my heart and feeds my Christmas spirit somehow. I'll share a few pics next week. The hubs and I are headed immediately afterward to the lake to celebrate his 54th birthday with good friends, a lot of food, fires in the … [Read more...]
My Christmas Mantel (for now!)
Hi gang! Remember when I mentioned that my house was almost completely decorated? Well, that's because I reserve the right to tweak. :-) Decorating a mantel is a lot like writing a paper -- you've got your ideas and you sort of loosely compile them. Then you slap together a rough draft that has all the pertinent ideas, and might even have flashes of brilliance, but needs fine tuning. Then you edit and rewrite. And you might edit and … [Read more...]
Before Fall Slips Away…
Confession: the hubs left to go hunting on Sunday and I've pulled out the Christmas tree. I know. It's not even Thanksgiving yet. But I couldn't help it. I had teenagers idling the week away and the urge to get Christmas rocking and rolling over took me. It's not up yet. And it's not decorated. But it's been dragged out of the the storage area in my basement, ready to go at any moment. And then this morning I was convicted. For … [Read more...]
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