TGIF… headed to Scott’s. :)

Well, I was hoping to have a couple of projects finished, photographed, and ready to share today.  Not quite. :) Wax is drying, burlap is cut/staged/ready, lampshade is poised for her makeover.  But it was a crazy week on the home front and at school, so I got nothin'.  In fact, I took a nap when I got home from school yesterday. It was that kind of week. This should be a banner weekend for those 90% projects, though, so I'll have some … [Read more...]

Seeing Green

In honor of my No Spend Month I'd thought I'd touch on the Pantone color of the year... emerald green!  After all it's the color of money, no? ;-) It was catching my eye back in December when I fell prey to this lovely in the aisles of Target. In my defense, my kitchen rug was literally falling apart and I knew a beautiful antique rug wasn't going to be in my budget for quite some time.  But $17.99?  THAT I could do.  By the way, these … [Read more...]

A February Challenge

Hi gang!  Hope you had a lovely weekend.  We enjoyed some nice cold weather here (and you know I like that!) but had some sunshine along with it.  Winning!  If you missed my interview with Laura from Top This Top That, click here to be totally inspired today! Last week, I mentioned that February was to be a month of DIYs.  I didn't do many in January... too busy on the home front.  But February is looking good for one big reason. I hereby … [Read more...]

Inspiring Blogger Interview: Laura from Top This Top That

YAY!   I am so excited that I'm at last able to bring you a fabulous interview from Laura at Top This Top That!  I won't even go into the details of the lengths we went to get this to you, but suffice to say Laura is the bomb-diggety.  And I'm so blessed to call her "friend", too. So without, further ado, here is one of my fave ladies dishing on DIY, her fabulous home, and what inspires her... take it away, Laura! ***    How did you get … [Read more...]

January’s Favorite Things

I can't believe we're already at the end of January!  I survived all those parent conferences, but did not accomplish everything I'd hoped to do on the home front.  Oh well -- there's always February, right? ;-) So here are my favorite things for January... I think it's a pretty good list. :) 1.  Atlanta Bloggers get-togethers. I was sooooo lucky this month!  Our Atlanta bloggers met up for lunch and a business meeting in Woodstock, GA … [Read more...]

This ‘n That Monday

I'm in the home stretch with my parent conferences this week... and I'm ready to be thinking about and planning decor projects -- like a few on my Home Goals list.  If you missed them, click HERE to see what I've got in store.  There's plenty to choose from don't you think? ;-) I also hit the thrift store a few days ago... love a good score!  Check out this amazing mirror -- it's huge! Near perfect condition, for only $8.98.  Woo hoo!  … [Read more...]

5 Ways to Decorate with Cute Gift Wrap

Did you catch this amazing blue houndstooth gift wrap I scored at HomeGoods? I mean, it's adorable right? I think I would be crushed to see this wadded up and discarded once a gift is opened, so the odds of this actually being used for gift wrap are slim. So what to do with it? Well, it'll figure in with this beauty... Mmm, mmm, mmm!  I think they play nicely together, don't you? So I jumped on Pinterest to scrounge up … [Read more...]

Looking Back (a 2012 Review)

Looking back is not my strong suit.  :)  I'm a proponent of moving on, pressing ahead, not looking back.  But 2012 was a year of growth and change for Decor & More, and many of you are new around I think it's fitting that I do a little review of last year's projects and progress. In January, I did a little thrifting, some organization, and added some art work to my Mom Cave.  I also created this easy little moss … [Read more...]

2013…The Word?

Hello everyone and Happy 2013!  We're back from the beach and I'm digging out from under Christmas decorations, new calendars, bills awaiting, and laundry.  Ah, re-entry.  I'll be catching up on my email and blog reading this weekend, so if I've neglected your comments or recent posts, I apologize.  I was under-the-weather a good part of our trip and didn't read as much as I'd thought I would -- lots of sleeping in, chillin' in Gulf breezes, and … [Read more...]

Inspiring Blogger Interview: Kelly from View Along the Way

I have a real treat for y'all today!  The fabulous Kelly from View Along the Way is here to chat for our latest installment of the Inspiring Blogger Interview series!  If you don't know Kelly, be prepared to be amazed at her humor, her mad DIY skills, and what a sweetheart she is... Here we are thrifting with Rhoda and Lisa last summer.  Is she gorgeous, or what?  And wait till you read what she's sharing...   Take it away, … [Read more...]