DIY Paint Stirrer Herb Markers

Remember how I said I wanted a garden?  How much I enjoyed eating fresh in the summertime?  And how some generous friends shared their bounty with us?  And then there was this amazing drink and this tasty side that called for fresh herbs? Well I abandoned my other projects to put together my own little herb garden on my back deck complete with DIY herb markers... made from paint stirrers and a little chalkboard paint. This is a super … [Read more...]

Happy Fourth of July!

Ours looks like a wash out for outdoor fun, so we'll be having dinner with friends indoors later on... That's okay, though... we'll still be thanking God for our blessings and our troops for protecting our freedoms. Hope you have a safe and blessed Fourth! … [Read more...]

In Case You Missed It {June}

I'm having a hard time believing we're in July now!  My summer is flying by... and I really want it to just sllllooooowwww down a bit!  We were on the go in a major way last month, but I still squeezed in quite a few projects.  Hopefully I can get to even more in July -- and there are some fun things in store here on the blog in the next few weeks! In the meantime, here's a recap of June here at Decor & More... 1. Guest Room Details: … [Read more...]

Family Room Tour and To-Do List

Happy Friday, everyone!  I can't believe we're already wrapping up June... *sigh*... why do the summer weeks seem to fly by the fastest?  I'm looking forward to fun weekend IN TOWN, if you can believe it!   My "baby" boy leaves for Spain and Portugal with his church youth group in less than two weeks, so I'll be working on getting him ready to go, hopefully finishing up a booth project or two, and relaxing with some special girl friends (I'll … [Read more...]

Driftwood Heaven

Happy Hump Day, y'all, and Happy 15th birthday to my baby! Doesn't he have the greatest smile??  That man-child is such a source of joy... he's growing up too fast! This week I'm taking advantage of some time at home to catch up and spruce up!  Yesterday, I straightened and zhushed my family room. And I couldn't wait to show you this... A super awesome piece of driftwood I found up at Lake Rabun in May.  While I scored several … [Read more...]

6 Ways to “Go Vintage” (A Guest Room Makeover)

Happy Friday!  We're off and running toward another busy weekend -- we don't let grass grow under our feet during the summer!  I was working in my booth yesterday and had a customer ask how to incorporate a vintage piece into their decorating and it got me thinking someone else might need similar suggestions.  So today I'm sharing 6 ways to "go vintage"  in your home decor, courtesy of my recent guest room redo! When I embarked on the guest … [Read more...]

Thrifted TV Stand Makeover

You know those chunky TV stands you see in all the thrift stores??  Most of us have crossed over to flat screens or wall-mounted TVs making those sad pieces look like the plump boy in the corner at the 7th grade dance. I was in search of a smallish bookcase for a corner of my Mom Cave when I stumbled upon this neglected guy... The size was right, even though he weighs a ton, so I thought I could make him a little more suave to fit into my … [Read more...]

DIY Burlap Flag Bunting

Good morning, friends!  I actually had a fairly relaxing weekend and am ready to enjoy another busy week -- how about you?  I spent time with my kids and a sweet neighbor poolside, got workouts in both days, enjoyed catching up on some reading and blogs, and worked on finishing up the console table.  Last night we took in two kids for the night while their parents finished up moving out of their house and into an executive apartment while they … [Read more...]

What I’m Reading, Loving, and Working On…

Happy Friday, friends!  I've had a good week and it's finally starting to feel like summer... I even slept until 9 a.m. one morning -- total decadence, people. :)  So today I'm sharing some "happies"  -- just because. Monday night, my daughter and two friends of ours went to a book launch party for one of my favorite local authors, Mary Kay Andrews, and her new book Ladies Night!   What a great party in a newly opened antique mall (!) where we … [Read more...]

In Case You Missed It {May}

I had to chuckle when I remembered writing about how crazy my month of May would be and that you might not see much of me on the blog during that month... ha!  I'm so thrilled to be into June when I can breathe a little, take stock of what projects I'd like to accomplish this summer, and catch up on blogging and reading. In case you missed some of these May moments, here's a look back! We squeezed in a lake getaway to recharge before … [Read more...]