Chalk Paint Secretary {Dining Room Details}

Oh, how I agonized.  What color to paint, and HOW to paint this beauty... an antique secretary that belonged to my aunt back in her girlhood.  I've had the piece for over 20 years and it was time for some TLC and a makeover so she could really shine!  Annie Sloan Chalk Paint to the rescue! I finally had to bite the bullet and start painting. :)  And ended up with this...   A custom paint color of Annie Sloan Paris Gray … [Read more...]

Ugly Duckling Dining Room No More! {Blogging Without Borders}

I am sooo excited to share my Ugly Duckling Dining Room makeover with you!!  This has been a project of stops and starts, but I am thrilled with the end result.   I had to think outside the box AND try things  I'd never done before...  a challenge in every way!  But I think you'll agree that the payoff is huge... and now I will have a fresh and FINISHED dining room for the holidays! Before I get to the big reveal, let me remind you where we … [Read more...]

Just for Fun Friday

T.G.I.F!  We made it through the first week of school... though both high schoolers slept though blaring alarms this morning and had to be rousted manually (i.e. by Mom) so they could get to school on time.  Boo to early mornings. Yesterday I made some "Yippee!" kind of headway on the Ugly Duckling dining room, so I thought it would fun to share some little victories in what's turned out to be QUITE to undertaking. Remember my sad lamp on … [Read more...]

DIY Baby Spoon Display {Ugly Duckling Dining Room}

I am totally in love with my baby spoon display in my dining room, so I thought I'd share the "how to!"   It all started with these small racks I found thrifting with Charity a few weeks ago... They were $2 each and I got them for 20% off -- $6 for the four of them. :-) I've also gotten in the habit of trolling the hobby stores framing department for frames on clearance... especially open frames.  Many were custom orders … [Read more...]

Ugly Duckling Dining Room: Wall Art {Blogging Without Borders}

Time for another update on my Ugly Duckling Dining Room as part of our Blogging Without Borders challenge! And this dining room is indeed having its Season of Change!  I'm in mid-stream on two major projects for the space, with a third about to ramp up this weekend -- yikes!   But I'm so excited by how it's coming together... slowly but surely. :)  Today you get to check out the wall art I've come up with for the room. Previously I had … [Read more...]

I Can’t Resist…An Occasional Chair

There's just something about a simple chair.  An "occasional" chair that by design and definition is a versatile furnishing in your home. I was looking through some vignettes I've pinned over the last several months and a common theme emerged...   Source: via Heidi on Pinterest Source: via Heidi on Pinterest Source: via Heidi on … [Read more...]

My Thursday Gig and a Peek at the Mom Cave

Did you know I have a regular Thursday gig?  You can find me at every Thursday where I blog about home and garden with snippets of faith thrown in. I love my space over there, because my talented editors Aimee and Danielle come up with theme for each month.  My challenge is to blog within my niche (for the most part) while addressing the theme of the month.  July was "Beside Restful Waters" and I had fun with that, … [Read more...]

This ‘n That Friday {Online Wall Decor Deals}

Happy Friday, friends!  It's been a crazy week -- one of those weeks where everyone needed me for something as we prep for back-to-college/school around here.  Gosh I hope I get it together in the next week or so! Anyhoo, today is all about the DEAL.  Who doesn't love a good deal-- especially for wall decor?? I came across this deal a few weeks ago on Decor Steals (formerly WUSLU)...   I could not have imagined a more perfect … [Read more...]

Ugly Duckling Dining Room {Blogging Without Borders}: Lighting

I really need another day to update you fully on my Ugly Duckling Dining Room lighting.  You know as part of our Blogging Without Borders project?  If you're new around here, you might want to check out my project here and the progress here.  It's fun to see it coming together! So you might actually get a bonus post later this week on more lighting!  But there is definitely progress on this front, so I'll go ahead and share where I am … [Read more...]

An {in}spired Finishing Touch (Front Porch Makeover)

I'm a self-professed 90% girl when it comes to projects.  I have a tendancy to get a home project or room makeover about 90% complete and then I either run out of steam or get distracted by some other project I'm longing to get started on.  One of my goals for this year was to finish what I start and I'm so proud to say I have completed my front porch summer makeover.  I mean, it's only July 25th, right? :-) This is one of those posts where … [Read more...]