Ours looks like a wash out for outdoor fun, so we'll be having dinner with friends indoors later on... That's okay, though... we'll still be thanking God for our blessings and our troops for protecting our freedoms. Hope you have a safe and blessed Fourth! … [Read more...]
A Little Housekeeping & Outdoor Living Inspiration
Hey there... anyone else tend to let the housekeeping go during busy times?? Please tell me I'm not alone... My default when things are hectic are go into management mode -- i.e. doing the bare minimum to keep things running. So when things slow down a bit I'm faced with a mountain of housekeeping. Filing, sorting, organizing, purging, cleaning. Ugh. It's so -- "un-vacation-y". Such is my world right now... but I did put my blinders … [Read more...]
I Can’t Resist: Threshold Thursday
Hey there, friends... I had every intention of posting more guest room progress this week, but... Ah the joys of high school sports! Your weekday evenings are not your own. :) Truthfully, though, it's been a blast watching him work so hard, improve his skills, have some fun and finish their season undefeated (My boy scored the final goal!). And not only do we have a team of good players (REALLY good players), we also have a … [Read more...]
Thoughts: Mary on the Day After
An unusual post, since I don't normally post on the weekends, but this weekend is special... tomorrow is the beginning of the story with the discovery of the empty tomb. But what about the day in between? In between that awful day when He was hung upon the cross and the day He rose? Two years ago I penned a post on my personal and family blog about just that, and I thought I would share those thoughts with you today... That was her … [Read more...]
Catalog Finds: Grandin Road
I love it when early spring decor catalogs start arriving in my mailbox. Yes, I am an online shopper, but sometimes perusing the old-fashioned paper catalog can't be beat. Like when you're sitting on a beach somewhere... just sayin'. ;-) It's been a while since I'd thumbed through a Grandin Road catalog, but I found some really cool things this time around so I thought I'd share. Enjoy! Source: grandinroad.com … [Read more...]
Inspiring Blogger Interview: Megan from Balancing Home
Happy Monday, friends! While I'm sunning myself and enjoying my husband's company, I'm so happy that a wonderful blogger is here to keep you company! I've been bloggy friends with Megan for a over a year and I love her thrifty ways, her incredible printables, and her sweet family that is going from 4 to 5 in a matter of weeks! Yikes -- I don't know how she does it all. But she's here to share her thoughts and hopefully inspire a few of … [Read more...]
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