This ‘n That Tuesday

My school year is rapidly drawing to a close (how did THAT happen??!) and soon I'll be welcoming both the college one and our oldest back into the fold -- busy times afoot around here!  And I lost a little ground battling that nasty head cold last week and through much of my weekend. Hence, this post. :) During my latest thrifting adventure, I stumbled on these old alphabet flash cards.   A couple of the cards were missing, but I thought … [Read more...]

What I’m Reading, What I’m Loving on this Good Friday

And it IS a Good Friday.  My peeps will be gathered to celebrate Easter and while I see suffering and my heart hurts for many near and dear to me, God is at work. He is at work in a mighty way, y'all. I'm spending today quietly and that feels very right.  Not just to reflect on the sacrifice of our Savior as I wind up my Lenten journey, though that is undoubtedly part and parcel off today.  I have much to be thankful for, and there are some … [Read more...]

I Can’t Resist… Gold Polka Dots

I think I'm a little late to this party, y'all.   I know (now) that other bloggers were getting their gold polka dots on last fall.  And I'm quite sure there were some in Christmas decor here and there. But they weren't really on my radar until I'd taken all the Christmas decor down and finally had some time to browse around on Pinterest and some online stores.  And lo and behold, I was seeing them everywhere.  And longing to create something … [Read more...]

January Recap {In Case You Missed It}

February??  Wow... not sure how that happened.  For a month that's supposed be of the "slowing down" sort that I love, January sure sped by.  We had such an enjoyable weekend and I cooked up a storm for our little Super Bowl party yesterday.  Got a new crock pot recipe to share soon, so stay tuned! I was looking back at my posts last month and while there were definitely projects, there was lots of "other"... thoughts, goals, reads.  That's my … [Read more...]

Home Goals 2014

Happy Monday, y'all!  We're supposed to be back at work today, but the frigid temps and flurries prompted an optional work day... woo hoo!  Maybe I'll actually get my Christmas decor put away today. Anyhoo, I made the mistake of pulling up my Home Goals 2013 post yesterday and actually laughed out loud!  Clearly, I need to revisit the goals list throughout the year so I don't fall prey to Home Projects ADD and flit from one thing to another … [Read more...]

My Word of the Year

Good day and Happy New Year! Today is the first day I can truly let my wheels down, with house guests departed and no plans on the calendar until Monday's National Championship Game (War Eagle!). What a lovely feeling... I'll be slowly tackling the piles on my desk, catching up on emails and blogs, and -- in general -- relaxing.  Woo hoo! I've been contemplating what my Word of the Year would be for 2014 for a couple of weeks now.  … [Read more...]

Finish Your Shopping: Gift Ideas

Hey there, gang... first of all:  WAR EAGLE!  We've had so much fun watching Auburn play this year and my Auburn Tiger husband is one happy camper right now!  And since today is also his 55th birthday, all is right in our world. :)  Happy Birthday, honey! I saw this on Facebook yesterday and so I have to share... Now, down to business... Have you finished your shopping?  I'm just a few purchases away from being finished, but since I … [Read more...]

Shopping on Saturday {Thrifty Finds}

Hump Daa--ayyy!  Whew!  I shoulda buckled my seat belt on Monday morning, 'cuz this has been a doozy of a week so far.  But I wanted to pop in and show you what I found while doing a little shopping on Saturday in Dothan, Alabama.  I love to try to check out antique shops in other towns... never know what you'll find or what inspiration will come your way! Here's some things that sowed a seed of inspiration or two... A bicycle wheel … [Read more...]

Country Living Fair 2013

Y'all.  What a great - busy fun - weekend we had! Some long time friends came in town and the girls spent Saturday taking in the Country Living Fair at Stone Mountain! Let me just say, if you ever get the chance to take this in... DO IT!  We were blessed with a beautiful day and were amazed at the scope of this event! If this tower of pumpkins and gourds doesn't put you in the fall spirit, I don't know what will! If you … [Read more...]

Fall in the Family Room

Is it already Monday?  The weekend just flew by, but we got some amazing family time celebrating my mother-in-law's 80th birthday... how cute is she? I hope I look half that good at 80!  It was a fun weekend, and my boy even achieved a hat trick in his soccer game -- winning weekend for the Miltons! Today I'm sharing my fall decor in the family room.  After painting several pumpkins and adding them to  some I spraypainted a couple of … [Read more...]