Hello! And it’s the Little Things…

I know you thought I'd given up the ghost here at Decor & More... and truthfully, I had to for a time.  But I wanted to pop in today on this lovely spring day and say hello and I've missed you!  I've got a huge work project I'm working on but can announce soon and I'm so excited to share with you all what has had me working 60 hours a week for the last three months.  So stay tuned for that! Needless to say, my home projects have been … [Read more...]

Come on, SPRING!

We just had the most delightful weekend here in the ATL -- chilly mornings, mild afternoons, and -- most importantly -- sunshine!  I didn't mind spending hours at the soccer field because... well -- sun!  Goodness it did wonders for my mindset.  And it got me craving a little spring brightness in my abode, too. Even though I just refreshed my winter mantel a couple of weeks ago, let's face it.  Those first few pretty spring days just get my … [Read more...]

Declutter and Donate: My 2015 Lenten Discipline

Several years ago, I abandoned the idea of "giving something up" for Lent every year.  You see I was always landing on wine or chips and salsa or some such sacrifice that ended up ringing hollow in the spirit of Lent. It's a time for reflection, repentance, and self-examination, after all.  Five years ago I challenged myself to list 1000 gifts during Lent, after reading Ann Voskamp's One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You … [Read more...]

Five on Friday (and my Winter Mantel)

Friday, y'all... and I am so thankful.  This was another week of meetings and prayer as my precious school is being put through the ringer.  I can't go into all the details yet, but let me just say: Satan is alive and well.  I have never experienced spiritual warfare before, but I'm enduring it now.  So if my posts are a bit scarce for a while it is because I am drained.  BUT, I am optimistic and continue praying and seeking joy in my … [Read more...]

Christmas Around the House 2014

Happy Sunday, friends!  Whew, what a whirlwind this past week or so has been... lots of non-Christmas stuff going on so I'm just now getting around to sharing a few Christmas touches around my home.  I figure better late than never, no? So settle in for some pics... I scaled back on decorating a bit this year and I'm actually loving a some more simplicity.  Plus less to take down in a couple of weeks, right?  Here we go... Let's start … [Read more...]

Christmas on the Front Porch

Monday already?  Oh did I have a fun and full weekend decking my halls... the inside of my home is still in process, but the porch?  Done!  I'm not sure why I wanted to put more creativity into it this year.  Maybe because we'll be traveling some over Christmas and I'm simplifying my inside decorations?  Anyway, after gathering some inspiration, here's where I landed... Come on up!  I usually have small trees in these urns, but decided … [Read more...]

In Case You Missed it: October

Oh my goodness.  November, y'all.   Over the weekend, I had to turn my heat on and we enjoyed our first fire of the season... well, the boys and I did anyway.  The hubs was off to enjoy his first weekend of hunting season.  So I got my craft on in a huge way and got my booth all squared away for our Holiday Open House later this week!  I'll share pics on Wednesday, but for today I'm recapping a very busy October.  Just in case you missed it. I … [Read more...]

Five on Friday

Holy smokes, y'all... tomorrow is November!    Yowza!  If you follow me on Instagram, you know I had a busy week with the Little Ones -- Halloween is so much fun for them I always feel like I'm along for their ride, at least for a couple of days. :) Anyway, I enjoyed sharing a little randomness last Friday, so I'm thinking every so often I'll offer up a Five on Friday post, just for fun.   I've been back on my painting and DIY'ing horse this … [Read more...]

Gallery Wall Tweaks

Hump day, friends!  I don't know about you, but I'm already looking forward to the weekend!  Anyway, now that I've been at home for a couple of weekends, there are all kinds of things happening around here... feels good to finish up some things and change out some other things in the old home space.   Today let's look at a couple of new additions to my family room gallery wall! Let's take a peek at what it looked like when I first finished it … [Read more...]

Neutral Fall Mantel

I'm a little late to the fall mantel party, but I wanted to do one nonetheless;  we spent a huge amount of time in our family room when we're home and with the leaves just starting to turn outside my windows I wanted the mantel to reflect the change of season too.    This year I wanted it to be neutral with lots of texture and I think I'm there... Sorry if the photos are a little dark;  we had massive storms that blew through yesterday … [Read more...]