Preserving History: the Rug Pad

Hi, friends!  I hope you're having a great week... I'm making the most of my Fall Break and are now in one of my favorite cities ever -- NYC!  And of course, that means I'm with one of my favorite people ever... does it get better than a BFF? Today I'm sharing a new find for my foyer... one that will help preserve this precious piece of my family's history... I've shared a bit about this antique Oriental rug that belonged to my … [Read more...]

In Case You Missed It {August}

Well, the weekend flew by, didn't it?!  I enjoyed some furniture painting and a little bit of crafting, but mostly got a few things ticked off my to-do list.  And added some more to it!  I realize it's already 8 days into September, but I thought I'd go ahead and recap August here  before I got too much further behind.  :) It seemed August was a month of updates, like my back deck... and my guest room. I also shared a couple of … [Read more...]

Back Deck Update: End of Summer

Y'all, we've had so much rain this summer, my back deck is exploding with color!  I thought I'd share, because we've so enjoyed hanging out there these past several weeks.    Just to remind you where we were at the beginning of the summer... Not bad, but now there's this... Amazing what a rug, some colorful pillows, sunshine, rain, and a little fertilizer in the pots can do! I never managed to get my furniture … [Read more...]

In Case You Missed It {July}:: The Insta-version

August 1??  Oh am I fighting those end of summer blues as we get ready to start school on Monday.  Boo. Even though my July turned out to be on quiet side here on the old blog, I thought in the interest of keeping up I'd go ahead and recap it for you... just in case!   And just for fun, I'm throwing in Instagram photos, because they tell a most accurate story of my month. :) I shared this Waterlogue flag you can print out for your own … [Read more...]

Family Room Gallery Wall

Woo hoo, y'all!  It's up -- I spent a good chunk of yesterday working on my gallery wall and I have to say, I'm so pleased with the results.  Yesterday I shared some inspiration pics and this one from Love Grows Wild stood out in particular... Maybe because our sofas are similar in style and color, and our wall color is close as well, but I just loved this look. Let's just take a look back so we have a sense of the … [Read more...]

Family Room Bookshelves: Refreshed

It's the proverbial One Thing Leads to Another, y'all.  Once I repainted my family room and put my summer mantel in place, my built in bookshelves were just crying out for a fresh look, too.  What about MEEEeeeee???  they were saying.  And since a student of mine last year ruined that phrase for me, I had to act.  #donteverwanttohearthatagain If you follow me on Instagram, you got a peek or two at the process.  And it is, indeed, a process.  … [Read more...]

An Easy {Free!} Patriotic Watercolor

Somehow I've misplaced my adorable Burlap Flag banner that I made last year, so I needed to come up with a quick 4th of July touch for my mantel.  Waterlogue to the rescue! Surely you've heard of Waterlogue by now... I haven't used it in a while, but this was the perfect easy peasy solution to my needs. A few weeks ago, I snapped this photo while we were up at the lake... Since it was on my phone, I ran it through the Waterlogue app … [Read more...]

In Case You Missed It (June)

This summer is absolutely flying by!  I turned the calendar over to July this morning and it looks to be another busy month of family, a little travel, and hopefully some good projects around the house.  I also looked back over my posts in June and though it was lighter posting schedule there were some goodies in there! I shared some of my favorite catalog finds for outdoors... Still love this stepping stone from Home Decorators … [Read more...]

Summer Mantel {with a Coastal Vibe}

Howdy!  Hope y'all had a delightful weekend... the hubs went off to work today relaxed and happy after a fun-filled weekend with friends and our Peeps.  Fish frying, deck sitting, cocktail sipping, poolside lounging... we did it all.  And lots of laughter and chatting.  Such a great way to celebrate Father's Day! I polished off my summer mantel in preps for the fish fry, so thought I'd share while the hydrangeas are still fresh... I … [Read more...]

Family Room Repaint (almost done!)

OH. My. Gosh.  Belvedere Cream, how I love you... I can't get over the difference simply changing the paint color makes (haven't I said that before??).  There is very little back on the walls, but I decided to go ahead and show you the color change... Here's where we started... If you remember, once I got my beloved white drapes in place, the wall color was suddenly too goldish/warm for me.  I wanted lighter and brighter and so went with the … [Read more...]