It’s the Little Things (and a Big Thing)

Ever notice how something little can make you warm and fuzzy on the inside? Something little like organizing a kitchen drawer, tulips in a vintage silver pitcher, or this... A citron green chevron rug for my kitchen.  It also prompted me to wipe down my kitchen cabinets.  Yowza.  Needed to be done. :) Yes, thank you HomeGoods! I'm making little changes for spring (oh, spring, where ARE you??) and it's feeling pretty good. … [Read more...]

In Case You Missed It {February}…

After all the stress and angst of last week, God granted me a wonderful weekend of peace!  I was so blessed to spend Saturday with a dear friend, watching her daughter (my god daughter) play in a volleyball tournament and catching up.  Don't you love it when it's as if no time has passed since you last saw one another?  Sunday was warm and lovely and after church I spent a few hours in my yard, clipping, raking, and bagging debris from the … [Read more...]

Watercolor Initial (DIY)

I'm not gonna lie... ever since I read Emily's tutorial on watercolor letters, I knew I wanted to give this a go!  I've got thoughts of a new gallery wall over the sofa in my family room (and probably one in my foyer, too!) and thought this would be a fun addition. Plus, I just was itching to paint.  #whatsnowdaysdotome Since I wasn't sure how this would turn out, I took only a few pics, but I'll try to explain my process as best I can. … [Read more...]

This ‘n That Monday

Monday?  I have been all off my schedule and routine with our snow days last week, furlough days at the end of the week, and now a holiday.  While I've enjoyed the time off, it hasn't felt like a real 'vacation' so I've bumbled around from project to project, watching the Olympic games way too much, and finding myself a little at loose ends. And so, on we go... I can't even imagine the mess that my lesson plans will be this week!  #yikes I … [Read more...]

A Gift of {in}Mercy

One of my favorite things I did last fall was participate in (in)Mercy, the (in)courage project to raise funds for and awareness of the important, life-saving work of Mercy House Kenya.  It was amazing to watch God show up as YOU were His hands and feet!  We far exceeded our fund-raising goals and the good work over there is growing by leaps and bounds. The wonderful folks at (in)courage sent me a glorious "thank you" in the form of products … [Read more...]

January Recap {In Case You Missed It}

February??  Wow... not sure how that happened.  For a month that's supposed be of the "slowing down" sort that I love, January sure sped by.  We had such an enjoyable weekend and I cooked up a storm for our little Super Bowl party yesterday.  Got a new crock pot recipe to share soon, so stay tuned! I was looking back at my posts last month and while there were definitely projects, there was lots of "other"... thoughts, goals, reads.  That's my … [Read more...]

Update: Small Space Project

Ah, we're still enjoying the last vestiges of snow here, but I'm quite sure it will all be gone by this afternoon.  It was beautiful while it lasted and traffic has resumed some semblance of normalcy after Tuesday's debacle.  While there was lots of Monday morning quarterbacking going on, I'm just hoping our city and county leaders have learned some things and we can all move forward.  I'm still camping out on the all the neighbors helping … [Read more...]

DIY Heart Canvas

Well, I caved a little on my "no decorating for Valentine's Day" stance over the weekend. You see, I had a vision.  Does that ever happen to you? And my paint brushes were beckoning.  And, after all, didn't I say that painting more was on my personal goals list for 2014?   So I got a little bit busy. :) I already had everything on hand for this project (yay!) and this Christmas inspiration piece had been tickling my mind for a couple … [Read more...]

Freshening Up: The Winter Mantel

Whew, my week is busy busy with student evaluations going on, lots of appointments and doings for the family, and trying to finish up a new furniture makeover.  Thanks so much for the awesome feedback on my Small Space Project!  I'm eyeing the spaces that will be my victims this weekend!  Don't forget to send me your own before and after organization projects to share! I've also shared some tips over at Mohawk Homescapes blog on keeping your New … [Read more...]

Let’s Get Organized: The Small Space Project

Happy Monday, y'all... hope you're ready to tackle the week ahead!  I had an awesome low-key weekend of getting things done, making some plans for projects, and a good bit of reading, too.  The hubs was in a deer stand somewhere in South Georgia and the boys were all doing their own things, so I got a little "ahhhhh" time. :) Today I'm rolling out a project I've been contemplating since early Fall.  I planned to implement it long before now, … [Read more...]