Friday and I've got a new project alert for you! But first, if I could selfishly request your prayers today? The drunk driver that killed our Kaely is to be sentenced this morning and several family members will be speaking in court. Such a difficult day, but one that has been long awaited -- please join us in praying that not only will he be handed the maximum sentence, but that he also would feel and show some iota of remorse for his … [Read more...]
In Case You Missed It x2 (April and May)
Y'all I'm so far behind, I never recapped April! And since my feed was doing wonky things in late April/early May, I figured it warranted a quick recap of both months! I finally was able to regroup a bit after the crowd of young adults left on Saturday... things will be a tad quieter here now, so I've been working on some new DIY ideas and gathering supplies for a couple of home projects (yay summertime!). But before we embark on June, let's … [Read more...]
Back Deck Refresh!
Oh my gosh, did our winter take a toll on my back deck!! Every plant was dead -- even the ones that will normally winter over -- and my furniture had taken a beating. Since it's prime deck-sitting time now, this was first on my list of summer projects. :) Here's the sad sad before... Ugh. And here's the after... Ahhhh! Much better! Here's the un-fun stuff I did: hubs had pressure-washed a few weeks ago for … [Read more...]
Small Space Project: the Master Closet (part 1)
Ever since I launched my Small Space Project back in January, the master closet has been inching toward the top of my list. It really doesn't fall into a "small" space category, but it was in desperate need of reorganization, and was growing fangs from weeks of me sticking things in there to be dealt with later. I'm blessed to have lots of hanging space, shelves and even drawers in my master closet, so the state of disarray was … [Read more...]
Let’s Get Real…
I hope my email readers are receiving this...I am having trouble with Feedburner and email notification of comments, so please bear with me for another week or two until I have the sanity to address techinical issues. :) Happy Monday, y'all -- the countdown is ON! I had a lovely but very busy Mother's Day weekend and am ready to call this school year d-o-n-e. :) I did manage to do a few productive things over the weekend, including make … [Read more...]
Family Room Update!
First of all: join me here Friday, if you would be so kind... you see, it's my birthday AND my blogiversary and to celebrate I'm sharing 21 things I love and hosting a fun little giveaway! See you then... now on to my update! Y'all. I finally did it. And I have no idea why it took so long for my vision to gel... after all, it's a very simple one. Do you ever over-complicate things? Anyhow, one of my home goals for this year was to add … [Read more...]
Spring Mantel Makeover
Well, my server has been upgraded and I can finally share my spring mantel with y'all -- we had some nice weather over the weekend and at the beginning of the week so I was itching to get it finally ready for spring. :) Never mind that we're back in the cold wind and rain right now. We should have known this winter would not go quietly! You've probably noticed I left a few things in place... like my antique frame that's propped on my … [Read more...]
DIY Peace Watercolor
Apparently I'm really taking my personal goal to paint more this year to heart. :) I haven't been able to put away my watercolors lately and I have so many ideas for various projects involving watercolors I have started a list in my journal. Quite honestly? It's therapeutic. And I don't need good weather (because Lord knows THAT's in short supply!). And it doesn't require sanding or heavy lifting. Just a seat at my kitchen table and a cup … [Read more...]
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